From The Principal

Mr David Russell

COVID-19 Update

At present, the advice is that face masks are highly recommended when indoors. They are the most effective way we can help stop the spread of disease amongst us.  The number of both student and staff absences have been above pre COVID levels in the first four weeks of this term. In part, this is through COVID19 but also the acceptance that if you are showing any signs or symptoms that you stay away, even if you are negative to COVID through RAT testing. Unfortunately, in terms of teachers this has meant that there have been significantly more classes where the normal classroom teacher has not been present.  With the end of winter approaching I hope that this situation will diminish.  I thank all students and parents for their understanding of this situation.


Academic Awards Semester One

It was wonderful to be able to celebrate the top academic performers of Semester One with their parents/guardians at a breakfast last week.  It really was a two fold celebration.  One the recognition of the hard work of the students, and two, that for the first time since 2019 we were able to invite parents to the school to share in the success of their child.


Building Update

The start of the new term and the new first aid centre is complete and in use.  The two shipping containers that were being used as the temporary first aid facilities have been removed from the front of the school, albeit with damage done to the front lawns.

The hardcourts opened in week two and are used at lunchtime by students on a roster by year levels.  It has been very pleasing seeing them in use.

Work is progressing on the main new building. At the last site meeting, I was told that everything is on track for the completion of the building for the end of the year.


Course Counselling (Year 9, 10, 11 & 12 2023)

These sessions have been running over the past weeks.  These are important decisions and I thank all staff, students and parents for their diligence and commitment to this important process. 


Student Attitude to School Survey

These were undertaken by all students in Term Two.  At the time of writing, the results had just arrived in the school.  The results will be shared with the school community through various forums.  Student focus groups will be formed to further unpack the results.


Parent School Survey

These are run annually by the Department of Education and Training (DET). The data collected is used by schools to inform their decision making.  Parents are randomly selected to undertake the survey. As in the previous three years, the survey is being completed electronically.  Those parents selected to complete the survey will have received an email containing the link and login details from the school.  The surveys are anonymous. The results are aggregated and then released to the school in October.  The results will then be shared with the school community.  I thank, in advance, those parents who are selected for completing the survey.


Litter/Rubbish in the School Grounds

This is one area that I am disappointed in the student response.  The amount of rubbish left in the school grounds at the end of recess and lunchtime is unacceptable.  There are over 60 red bins for rubbish to be placed in but there are students who, at times, cannot be bothered walking less than 5 metres to put the rubbish in the bin. The oval, in particular, and the area between at the back of M block are the main areas where this occurs.  We do not have people employed to pick up the rubbish and nor should we.  There is much said about our care and protection of the environment and this is a small way we can play our part.  I ask all students to do the right thing and put the rubbish in the bins provided.  I would also appreciate parents talking with their son/daughter about this.

I look forward to seeing an improvement in the coming weeks.