Student Services : Careers

Year 10s get the low down on resume writing and interview preparation
Last week our Year 10 students attended a one hour session with The Careers Department to learn more about resume writing and preparing for interviews. This event is part of our Term 3 preparation for the Real Industry Job Interview that all Year 10s are required to participate in next term. Thanks to our Careers Department presenters – Sarah, Millie and Rebecca, who travelled from Sydney to conduct the session. Students will now focus on preparing their applications for their live interview with a local employer in October.
Year 9 Morrisby Program – Action Event Permission on Compass
Consent forms have now been released on Compass for your student to participate in the Year 9 Morrisby program. This program provides for an assessment of student capabilities and interests. Each student will receive an in-depth report and have the opportunity to discuss this with a careers practitioner. Please ensure you have actioned this permission in the Events centre on Compass.
Year 12s and Tax File Numbers - Apply now
Did you know that you will need a Tax File Number to enrol in further study or work? Many Year 12 students may already have a TFN. If they don't yet have one, now is the time to apply - in readiness for December round of offers. For more information about applying for a TFN go to