ELC Art and Languages

Collaborative art installation welcomes our new international students
This term at Northcote High School we have 10 new international students. As part of their Art class these students have collaborated with the Year 10 French class and Year 7 and 8 French classes. The students have created an Art Installation of decorated envelopes which hold welcome messages and messages of support. The messages are written in 2 languages, English and one other of the participants' choosing. These languages include but are not limited to French, German, Vietnamese, Chinese, Arabic, and Dutch.
The International students recorded their messages in both languages which plays on a loop in the gallery creating an immersive installation for participants. The installation aims to create an inclusive and uplifting interaction for each participant, welcoming people from all backgrounds.
Combining the classes of Year 10 International students and Year 10 French students was a fantastic way for the international students to meet new friends and settle into Northcote High School. The Art Installation has been viewed by students of all year levels as they make their way through the gallery.
~Ms Critcher