Student Services : Wellbeing

Wear it Purple Day
On Friday 26 August, we will be celebrating ‘Wear it Purple’ day. This is a day to foster supportive, safe, empowering, and inclusive environments for LGBTQIA+ young people. Please wear your favourite purple accessory to school that day (glasses, wig, badge, earrings etc). There will be a bake sale and badge making event at lunch time in the library courtyard. Please see the student wellbeing staff in M11 if you have any other questions or would like to provide baked goods for the fundraiser.
Update on NHS Clubs
We have a wide range of clubs on offer this Semester, including: Art Club, Book Club, Feminist Collective, Green Team, Rainbow Club, IT Squad, Gamers Club (and many more!).
If you are in the market for trying something new, making new friends, connecting over shared interests, or you are into sewing, gaming, or social justice – there is a club for you.
Nothing take your fancy? Why not start a new club. Pop by the Student Services office and speak with Megan or Sabatinie about starting your own club today!
R U OKAY Day is coming up on Thursday 8 September. This is a day to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with those who may be struggling.
We will be holding a range of activities on the day, keep an eye out for more information in the coming weeks. If you would like to suggest a way the school can celebrate or you have time to volunteer on the day, please see the wellbeing staff in M11.
RAISE (Mentoring) Program
We are proud to have had the RAISE program running in our school for so long. Thank you to the families who support this. Please see below for some data that we recently received about 2021 program:
“Research shows that young people who are mentored have lower levels of depression, higher levels of wellbeing and know how to find emotional support. They report greater levels of resilience, feel more confident and are more likely to finish school and make a positive post school transition.”
2021 Top 4 Outcome Areas:
- Asking for Help
- Hope for the Future
- Resilience
- School Belonging
2021 Outcomes:
- 9 out of 10 mentees improved in at least 1 of the 4 outcome areas above
- 1 out of 5 improved in 3 or all outcome areas
- 97% of mentees enjoyed the program
- 94% said they would recommend the program to a friend
- 78% felt that things were different for them because of the program