
Lucie Hill
Library Technician
Welcome to winter everyone. With news of heat waves across the other side of the world, it’s hard to imagine being warm, let alone too hot. These days are perfect for snuggling under a blanket and reading a good book, or having a book read to you.
Term 3 is going to be a very exciting and busy term. We have a Lamont Book Fair coming up starting on the 8th of August, which will be held in the Library.
We also have Book Week to celebrate in August with lots of activities. We have an author visit by the talented Michael Wagner, a Reading Challenge, a Dress Up Day and the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s Shortlisted Books to read and review.
Whilst all dates and details will be given out to everyone shortly, I have included some images of the shortlisted books, and some information on Michael Wagner and the books he has written.
Start thinking about costumes for the Dress Up Day. Until then, happy reading!