Physical Education

Jordan Beck
Physical Education
It’s been a very busy start to Term 3 with all our students working hard in developing their understanding and skills of athletic events.
With the School Athletics Carnival coming up on Monday the 1st of August for students in years 3-6, students have been focusing on their standing starts for track as well as the technique in shotput, triple jump and high jump.
Our prep – year 2 students have been participating in little athletics which has had students developing their skills in the above events, using modified equipment. It has been great to see all students working so hard in PE and how encouraging they have been to their classmates, especially during our 40m time trials!
I would like to congratulate the year 6 Girls Soccer Team on coming 2nd in District Sport. Our Girls competed last Friday and versed a very strong St Brigid’s Team. In a very tight match, our girls went down to St Brigid’s 6-7.