
Aaron Cox
Welcome back everyone,
From the conversations I have had with children, they all enjoyed their family time over the break. For the lucky few who got a chance to either go interstate or overseas, they certainly had plenty to say!
Term 3 is a very busy term at Kingswood, with lots of excursions and activities planned for the students. We also have our 4-yearly school review which is conducted by external professionals. We’ve been collecting, analysing and reporting our data to the powers that be and next week will see the actual review begin. Our School Council president, Dhani Chandrasegran, will be representing the school community over the 5-day review. We are really looking forward to celebrating what we have achieved over the past 4 years and to set our objectives for the next 4 years. I will shortly send out a formal invitation for any parents to participate in a parent forum group. Parents who volunteer will be interviewed by the reviewer and principals from other schools. I will send this invitation via Compass. The dates will be either the 2nd or 4th of August.
Covid and Flu
Currently, we are not seeing an uptick in cases, which is great news. We currently have a few staff members away, but it is at a manageable level. If we can maintain this level for as long as possible, things will look promising. Please remember that if your child is displaying any symptoms of Covid or the flu they must remain at home. In the depths of winter wearing long pants and a jacket is highly recommended. The children are more than welcome to wear beanies and outer jackets when they are outside playing. Finally, I sent a letter from the leaders of all schools in Victoria about mask wearing. Although not compulsory, it is highly recommended that all children over 8 years old wear masks when inside. I highly recommend this article from the The Age – Absolutely Support Encouraging Mask Wearing at School.
Building Update
School Council and I met with senior management of the Department of Education, Victorian Schools Building Authority, Meng Theang Tak (Clarinda MP) and Tim Richardson (Mordialloc MP). We are trying to find a way forward for our community within the scope of a build that, to date, has not met our expectations for teaching and learning. I would like to thank Dhani Chandrasegran (SC President) and Bryan Elliott (former SC President) for representing the community so passionately. I would also like to thank our elected politicians for being advocates for our school and school community. We will wait on a final decision in the very near future.
Child Safe Standards
As part of our review of Child Safe Standards, I encourage all parents to visit the documents page of our school website at and view our various policies to support children to be safe at school.