Student of the Week

Award being presented: July 14th

00ANomination 1: Ashton M - for your amazing writing about your school holidays! I was very impressed in the detail you added and your amazing sounding out! Keep up the great work Ashton. 
Nomination 2: Vivian - for all the hard work and effort you have been putting into your learning! I am so proud of your ‘can do’ attitude, and ability to give everything a go! Great work Vivian. 
00BNomination 1: Danny - for settling in beautifully into Great Ryrie Primary School. Your positive attitude is infectious and Foundation B are so lucky to have you in our class.
Nomination 2: Harrison - for your positive, ‘can do’ attitude when writing your weekend recount. You did an amazing job when sounding out each word. I am so proud of you!
00CNomination 1: Xavier – for making a great start to Term 3, we have loved seeing you everyday! 
Nomination 2: Elsie – for being a happy & positive class member who always tries her best. 
00DNomination 1: Alessia B - for a wonderful start to Term 3. It is lovely to see you return after the holidays with such a positive attitude Alessia! 
Nomination 2: Marshall C - for his amazing effort with his holiday writing. You used your phonogram knowledge to have a go at sounding and writing your words. What a superstar!
00ENomination 1: Tucker M - for all of his holiday homework! I was so impressed, Tucker. Well done.
Nomination 2: Aaron X - for his fabulous smile and positive attitude during our first week back at school. You are a delight to have in the classroom, Aaron.



Nomination 1: Dakota - for trying so hard to complete her maths assessment. You have shown so much growth in your learning.
Nomination 2: Ryansh - for making such a positive start this term and amazing me with his maths knowledge
1BNomination 1: Oliver - for always being such an enthusiastic learner. You always approach your learning with a positive attitude and try your best. I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the great work!
Nomination 2: Eleanor - for being such a happy and friendly member of our class. You are always eager to give anything a go. I am so proud of you. Well done and keep up the great work!
1CNomination 1: Kalani - for a great start to term 3. You have amazed me with your positive attitude towards your learning. Well done and keep up the great work! 
Nomination 2: Rachel - for participating enthusiastically in our morning routine. Every morning you join in Heggarty and our Oral Phonogram review with an amazing attitude. Keep up the great work. 
1DNomination 1: Mattias - for making an amazing start to Term 3, coming into school ready to listen and ready to learn!  Keep up the great work! 
Nomination 2:  Amelia - for being a good friend outside in the playground.  She sees someone who needs a buddy and makes sure they feel included!
2ANomination 1:  Alma W - 2A would like to welcome you to Great Ryrie. We are lucky to have you in our grade, and we hope you love being at the best school in the world!
Nomination 2: Alyce C - you have been nominated by your classmates for being a kind and friendly member of our class, who always sets a great example of being a respectful, responsible student who loves learning! We are proud of you, Alyce.

Nomination 1: All of 2B - A wonderful start to term 3! You have all worked very hard and demonstrated that you are Respectful, Responsible and wonderful learners. Well done everyone!


Nomination 2: 


2CNomination 1: Samuel L R H - nominated by his classmates for being a hard worker who loves a challenge and an inclusive friend with a great sense of humour.
Nomination 2: Willa V F - for a positive attitude to learning and excellent manners in the classroom.
3ANomination 1: Hunter - for maintaining a positive outlook on classroom expectations and being a responsible member in the room.
Nomination 2: Blake - for settling in so well at GRPS and getting along with everyone so easily. Well love having you in 3A. 
3BNomination 1: Audrey - for consistently showing our school values of being a respectful, hardworking learner. Keep being amazing!
Nomination 2: Olivia D - for being so focused and eager to learn since returning this term. It has been lovely to see you engaging during our class discussions with such confidence.
4ANomination 1: Marco - for your overall positive attitude to school and learning tasks. You are always working hard and should be proud of yourself!
Nomination 2: Jessica L - for your wonderful holiday recount writing. You are always willing to take on feedback and uplevel your work. Well done!
4BNomination 1: Kyuss- for focusing on his handwriting with each learning task so that he can showcase his knowledge. Well done!
Nomination 2: Indy- for uplevelling her writing by adding in more detail in her holiday recount. Well done!
4CNomination 1: Isabel - for your wonderful effort uplevelling your holiday recount. It was such a pleasure to read your final piece. Well done Is!
Nomination 2: Tahi - for your amazing efforts in writing and uplevelling your work. Your efforts have resulted in awesome results. Well done Tahi!
5ANomination 1: Raghav C - for taking on all maths challenges given to him with a positive attitude. Keep up the great work! 
Nomination 2: Justin S-A - for being a respectful, responsible learner and always finding a way to make his classmates laugh.
5BNomination 1: Asher F - for being a hard working student, who is constantly striving to challenge herself. 
Nomination 2: Lana H - for showing improving researching and note-taking skills
5CNomination 1: Prisha - for greatly improved time management skills, both with arriving at school on time and completing independent tasks in class.
Nomination 2: Awmpuia - for ongoing commitment to your school work and overall excellent attitude in class.
6ANomination 1: Rosy K - for taking notes during explicit teaching to consolidate learning and looking back on them in future lessons. Great job!
Nomination 2: Hamish - for trying hard in Maths and sharing his knowledge during class discussions. Keep it up!
6BNomination 1: Arden - for her excellent contribution to class discussions and positive attitude in class.
Nomination 2: Lola - for her growth mindset and increased confidence in her learning ability.
6CNomination 1: Magnus - for his conscientious attitude to learning and impressing me with his knowledge, courtesy and manners.
Nomination 2: Kate - for her impressive attitude in developing excellent work habits by revising the learning in class for homework each night.



Nomination 1: Olivia C - for your continuous effort in learning Indonesian and appreciate your help during every Indonesian session. Terima kasih!
Nomination 2: Theodore E - for always wanting to know more about Indonesian and showing the school values. Bagus sekali!

Nomination 1: Awmpuia 5C

For your commitment to improving your learning and giving your absolute best effort every session!

Nomination 2: Mung Pi - 5C

For challenging yourself in our sessions and striving to be the best mathematician you can be! 

Performing Arts Nomination 1: 
Nomination 2: 



Nomination 1: 
Nomination 2: 
Physical Education Nomination 1: Magnus W - For always coming to PE with such a positive attitude and willing to give everything a go.
Nomination 2: 
Science and TechnologyNomination 1: Gemma D - for being such a co-operative problem solver and a good friend. Your teamwork skills are superb!
Nomination 2: Aaron Xie - for always displaying our school values of Respect, Responsibility and Learning in everything you do during Science and Tech classes.