Specialist Program

From the Art Room....




Holidays are upon us and I have now given back all the wheat bag covers to students. Some students did not finish their cover in class and may like to finish them over the holidays. If they sew up 2 sides of their cover using backstitch (check out red ted art backstitch', and leave a space to insert the wheat bag - and show me at the start of term 3 - I will give them a wheat bag.


Our grade 5/6 students have been busy finishing sewing their wheat bag covers. They designed their cover, cut out paper templates, cut out their felt, positioned their felt pieces with seam allowance in mind, and sewed the felt onto a cotton rectangle using a a running stitch. After their felt design was sewn on, students turned their cotton piece inside out so the right sides were together, and sewed using backstitch following their straight, ruled lines close to the edges. They sewed up two sides, turned their covers the right way around, inserted their wheat bag, folded over the top edge, and sewed their cover closed with backstitch. Throughout this activity, students practised threading needles, tying knots, cutting fabric and sewing. 


An enormous thank you to our wonderful parent, Sarah, who sewed 30 wheat bags for the students. A huge thank you to two grade 6 students - Indi and Maddi - who gave up a lunch time to help fill 60 wheat bags full of wheat. Then more thanks again to Sarah who helped sew the wheat bags closed so no wheat would fall out. Amazing efforts! We couldn't do these projects without such fabulous helpers. You are appreciated!


The covers look great, I think! Super efforts from our super sewers!


** Note: the wheat bags should be placed in the microwave for between 40 seconds - 1 minute.

** It is recommended that you add a cup of water when heating the wheat bag in a microwave. The water provides hot moisture which the bag can absorb and prevents the wheat from overheating.

** The wheat bag may feel damp when heated for the first two or three uses; this is quite normal and occurs with almost all wheat filled products due to the fact that they are filled with natural grains that may still contain moisture.