Foundation (Prep)

Welcome to Term 3! It is nice to have everyone back in the classroom and embrace their lessons with such enthusiasm.


As a class, we voted in the last week of Term 2, and nominated two students to be our new Green Thumbs representatives for this semester. I would like to congratulate Darcy and Ariya; we are confident you will do a great job!


It has been exciting to see the progress that students have made with their Magic Words this week. We had a look at our own writing books and highlighted some Magic Words in our work. Students quickly saw how important they are to learn because they appear in most sentences.


I am endeavouring to complete a reading assessment with each student by the end of next week. I have spoken to the class and explained that just because they read with me, it doesn't automatically mean they will go up a reading level. It is important not to push the children too quickly because they can lose confidence and develop anxiety when reading.


We have started sharing the Treasure Bag this week. Just a reminder that one child will present their 3 or 4 special items each day. The bag will be sent home with someone at the end of each day (chosen randomly) and once everyone has had a turn, each student will have another go.


In Maths, we have been learning about money. We have discussed the purpose of money, brainstormed the vocabulary we use when talking about money and looked at the features of Australian coins. Students who felt comfortable had a go at naming the coins and had a go at putting them in order of value. 


Our Inquiry unit this term is called I am a change maker. Foundation students will be looking at this from a sustainability perspective. To begin the unit, the children worked in pairs to think about things that are helpful for the environment and things that are harmful for the environment. 

Prep 100 Days of School

Just a note to remind everyone that our class will be celebrating 100 days of learning. Next Friday, July 21, we will be enjoying a day filled with fun activities centred around the number 100. As outlined in my email, students are able to dress up on the day as either a 100 year-old, what they want to be when they grow up or in clothes covered in 100 things. 


I hope your child has enjoyed their first week back and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday.


Mrs Callaway