What's happening in Year 1/2

Yr 1/2 have had a fantastic end to the semester.
After a busy nine week term where we all worked hard, it was lovely to have a week with some fun activities.
On Monday we practised our speaking and listening skills by playing games such as Celebrity Heads. In writing we have been writing reviews and character descriptions about 'The Lion King' and 'Finding Nemo'. We are very excited to watch these films after learning about the Great Barrier Reef and Africa in our integrated unit.
This week we have also been working on our pieces for the art show. I don’t want to ruin the surprise by sharing photos, but we have made some beautiful artwork of the the Great Barrier Reef.
The highlight of this week was our fairy bread fractions. The students had to answer fractions' questions and use their bread to show their understanding. You can see by the photos that it was a really fun experience!
We look forward to more great things next semester.
Shanlan Moore
Year 1/2 Teacher