Important Dates

Please note the following dates for term 3:

  • Monday 10 July - Term 3 Commences
  • Tuesday 11 July - PFA (Parents & Friends Association) Meeting 7.30pm
  • Tuesday 25 July - SAC (School Advisory Council) Meeting 7.30pm
  • Friday 28 July - PFA Family Fun Night
  • Friday 4 August - Curriculum Day - no school for students
  • Tuesday 15 August - Feast of the Assumption
  • 20-26 August - Book Week: Theme is Read, Grow, Inspire
  • Sunday 27 August - First Eucharist 11.00am Mass
  • Tuesday 29 August - PFA Meeting 7.30pm
  • Friday 1 September - Zone Athletics Day (Yr 3-6)
  • Friday 15 September - Term 3 ends. Students dismissed at 1.30pm

These dates are also available on our School Website under the 'News' tab - scroll down to the Calendar or use this link.