Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates at assemblies on the following dates:

Friday 16th June

Elise J (Foundation) - For your contributions during our Fire Education session. You showed respect by raising your hand and sharing your thoughts. Great work Elise!

Hope S (12A) - for your focus and determination in our weekly spelling lessons. You have shown perseverance and given your best. Resulting in a positive attitude to yur learning. Well done! Proud of You.

Sayan J (12B) - for his positive engagement in school. Sayan has been working hard to learn some new phonics codes and actions to accompany them. He has also blown us away with how he is stringing words together to communicate with all the teachers and ES staff he works with. We are so proud of you Sayan!

Jared (34A) -  For the kindness he continually demonstrates towards others! You are such a good friend to everyone in the unit!

Cooper (34B)  - for always being prepared to have a go at the next great mathematical challenge. You are a Mathematical Whizz Cooper. 

 Matthew (34C) - for working really hard to improve his knowledge and skills in all subjects. I've been really impressed by the focus you are showing and the thoughtful questions and statements you make in class discussions. Great job Matthew!



Friday 23rd June

Sylvie C (Foundation) - For showing responsibility for your learning in our phonics and handwriting lessons. Well done Sylvie on listening to feedback, adapting and learning by trying new skills and ideas. Keep up the amazing work.

Elliot T (12A) - for always using your manners in the classroom and being a sensitive classmate who cares about all his peers. And for working hard on your handwriting. Well done! Proud of You!

Jonh M (12B) - for his inclusivity and creativity. Jonh has been such a supportive class member, including and encouraging his peers during collaborative class time. He has also impressed us with his incredible imagination during the creation of characters in our narrative unit. Keep up the great work Jonh!

Jack (34A) - For his hard work in Literacy!

Anastasia (34B)  - for being so kind and helpful to her classmates. We do love to see your beautiful smile Anastasia.

Rudra (34C) - for his efforts during maths sessions. Rudra has been working hard to make sure his answers are correct and that he is always giving his Personal Best. Keep it up, Rudra!