Principal's Report

Hello Marlborough families,

Thankyou for all the support we have received these past few weeks. It is the support of the Marlborough community that makes our school a great place to be. As we near the end of term it is time to reflect on the wonderful things that we were able to achieve. 

  • Grade 3 /4 went to Camp Manyung
  • Indonesian Day at Heathmont College for Grade 5 students
  • Whole school swimming program
  • House, District and Divisional cross country.
  • Year 6 leadership program. (Positivity, Leadership and Activated Youth)
  • Fire Education Program in Foundation
  • Grandparents Day

Parent Teacher Conferences

Next Thursday 22nd of June is Parent Teacher conferences. Please make sure you have logged onto compass and nominated an interview time with your classroom teacher. The interviews will be held from 2.30pm with the last interview at 5.20pm.

Webex will be offered as an alternative to face to face meetings. If you would like your conference to be via Webex please email your child's teacher for a log in code.

56A will have their Parent Teacher conference early next term when Mr Kent returns. 

Staffing Update

We are very pleased to announce that from next term 12B will welcome Mrs Jenny Turner who will be teaching with Mrs Caitlin Lindsay. 

Mrs Turner will be teaching Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs Lindsay in the class Monday, Thursday and Friday.

We would like to thank Emily Scarbro for all her hard work teaching Science during Term 2. We wish Emily the best for her future endevours.

We would like to welcome back at the start of Term 3 Simone Ryan who will be taking over from Emily teaching Science. Simone has been on family leave and is looking forward to rejoing MPS.

Playground Safety

Students are reminded of our TRIBES agreement of 'Safety First' at all times when using the playground equipment. Whilst we encourage students to actively participate during break times, we expect students to use the play equipment responsibly and safely

Sibling enrolments for Foundation 2024

Does your child at Marlborough have a younger sibling due to start in Foundation next year? If so, it is now time to enrol. Please contact the Office to collect a Foundation 2024 Enrolment Pack or you can print out the attached enrolment form and return to the office by 28th July. 

It is important to follow the statewide timeline to enrol your child in Foundation. Enrolling your child in line with the timelines allows us to plan our classrooms, staffing and transition activities and ensures your child has the best start to school. There is detailed information about the enrolment process below.

If you have any questions about our Kinder Transition Program or questions about starting Foundation classes, please contact me.

Helen Edwards

Kinder Transition Coordinator and 2023 Foundation Teacher.

Winter sickness

It is that time of year again, we are heading into flu season. It is a timely reminder that if your child is unwell it is best to keep them at home to rest and return to school when they are better and will get the most out of their learning.

If you are in need of an Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) please see the office as we still have some available.

Happy Holidays

As this is the last newsletter for the term we would like to wish everyone a wonderful two week break and we look forward to another great term of teaching and learning at Marlborough. School resumes on Monday 10 July. 



Thank you,

Pippa Davis and Lisa Mackney (Operational Leaders)