Principals` Message

Welcome to Term 3! There is another wonderful term ahead of us with so many great learning opportunities happening. We have excursions to the Victorian Arts Centre and Merri Creek plus last Friday’s excursion to Caulfield Junior College for Bastille Day. We're equally excited about the approaching Science Week and Book Week celebrations. These diverse experiences not only deepen your child's academic knowledge but also play a crucial role in their social and emotional development. We thank you for supporting your child with their attendance and involvement in these learning experiences.


Parent Teacher Conferences

Next week parent teacher conferences will be held, and we encourage all parents/carers to make a time to meet with your child(ren)'s classroom teacher(s) to discuss your child's progress during semester one and set personal learning goals for the second semester.  You can make a booking through Compass, if you are unable to do this, please see your child(ren)’s classroom teacher or the office staff.


Bastille Day

Last Friday the Foundation-4 students were invited to Caulfield Junior College to participate in their Bastille Day celebrations. Staff and students thoroughly enjoyed their visit as you can see later in this newsletter issue. It was a fantastic experience for all, and we were very grateful for how welcoming and inclusive the staff and students at CJC were.


Performing Arts

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we extend a warm welcome to our new Performing Arts teacher, Bree McKernan.  Bree brings with her a wealth of experience and passion for the performing arts, which will undoubtedly inspire our students to explore their artistic talents. The Performing Arts program has begun this week with our Grade 3-6's focusing on Drama and the F-2’s working on Music for this term.


Lost property

The mountain of jackets continues to grow and so we take this opportunity to remind parents/carers to check that your child's clothing is clearly named so that we can easily return lost items. If your child is missing a few items, please take a few minutes to have a look in the Lost Property box, which is located in the room close to the office.


Foundation 2024

If you have a child who will be starting Foundation next year, we would appreciate your support by handing in your enrolment forms as soon as possible, as we are in the process of planning for next year. Most of our planning is based on the number of enrolled students. Please let the office know if you would like us to send an enrolment pack home with your eldest child. If anyone knows of any other families not already attending our school and who have a child ready to begin Foundation next year, we would also appreciate your support in encouraging them to think about enrolling their child at our wonderful school. For those families that have already enrolled, you will soon receive an enrolment confirmation letter and details about our transition program.



-Angela Richmond & Andrea Hennessey