A message from Margie   


This week we celebrated NAIDOC week, exploring the theme For Our Elders, Across Every Generation.  Classes examined the important roles Elders play and the place they hold in Aboriginal communities. We learned that NAIDOC week is to celebrate the Aboriginal and Zenedth Kesian 65,000+ year culture and connection to this Country, whereas the focus of Reconciliation Week is to work towards healing the damage created in the last 250 years. 


Students participated in many different NAIDOC learning activities this week. Here are some photos of the learning in Science with Troy, where students created bunbuja, spinning tops from the The Yidinjdji Peoples of the Cairns region of far north Queensland. 

Reports and Learning Discussions #2 

On Wednesday we sent home our mid-year reports.  It was a joy to read all of the students' reports and to hear of the significant efforts and progress students have made so far this year. 


I know many of you have been discussing your child's learning with their teachers throughout the year. If you would like a more formal opportunity to discuss the report or any aspect of your child's progress in their learning, we are offering a second round of Learning Conversations in the first 3 weeks of Term 3. This time we won't be booking through an app; we ask you to simply request a meeting by sending a SeeSaw message to your child's teacher, and they will be happy to arrange a time that works best for them and you. 

Lantern parade 

On Saturday, June 24, we gathered to celebrate the winter solstice at the Uraidla Hotel. The students proudly paraded the lanterns all of the students had decorated at school. We were grateful for a break in the wild weather! 🔥

Staffing news

Next term we will have a few staffing changes. 


First up, I'll be on leave, visiting my family in Canada for the first 4 weeks of Term 3, and Troy will be acting Principal in my absence. We welcome Felicia Pudney teaching Science and Izzie Richards taking Troy's place and teaching in Kelly's class on Fridays for weeks 1-4. 


Today we farewelled Henry Lewis (PE and year 2/3 class) and Emily Morgan (Pastoral Care Worker). We thank them both for their wonderful ability to connect with the students. Staff and students alike will miss them very much. Students were interested to hear that Henry is leaving to live in Japan with his wife Ayami. 


Lizzie Kemp has decided to extend her parenting leave until the end of this year, to spend some more time at home caring for her lovely daughter Ella before returning to work. 


As a result, there are a number of staffing changes for all of terms 3 and 4: 

  • Victoria Gaetjens will be teaching PE on Fridays. 
  • Andrew Jenkins, our wonderful OSHC director, will be teaching PE on Tuesday afternoons. 
  • Sascha Moseley will be working as an SSO on Tuesdays and Fridays. 
  • Suzie Tume will teach on Fridays in Stephen Tsiapreakas' Year 2/3 class. 
  • Sam Irvine will teach full-time in her class. 
  • Chris Oxenham will fill in as interim Pastoral Care Worker for weeks 1-5 next term until we complete the staffing process for the new position. 

I know you will join me in welcoming our new staff. Here is a short 'bio' from each to introduce them to you! 


Sascha Moseley: Hi, my name is Sascha, and I have recently stepped on board two days a week at UPS as an SSO. I already know lots of students from working at our OSHC. I love rock climbing, reading, and anything outdoors! 


Isabel (Izzie) Richards: Hi Uraidla community, many of you may know me from my work at OSHC over the past few years! My name is Izzie and I will be working in Kelly’s class on Fridays for the first four weeks of Term 3. I love teaching Year 1 and have gotten to know many of the students through OSHC so I'm excited to work more closely with them! 


Felicia Pudney: I live in the northern suburbs of Adelaide with my husband and our 2-year-old dog Cindy. I take her for a walk every morning; she loves to run off lead at our local parks. My favourite colour is blue, I love to sing and dance to music. I enjoy watching Sci-Fi TV Shows and Dramas, I love to go to the movies and have popcorn. I love to cook all types of food, but especially family recipes from my Italian/English background. I am a people person, I enjoy being with my family and friends, going to new places and visiting favourite spots. I look forward to meeting you and learning all about you!


Victoria Gaetjens: Hi, I am Victoria and I’m excited to be teaching Physical Education at Urailda Primary next semester. I am an energetic and enthusiastic person that loves to have fun whilst teaching. I like to expose students to a wide range of sports and encourage good sportsmanship, persistence, resilience and personal growth in my lessons. I live an active lifestyle so when I am not teaching, you will find me in, on or around the water. I love going on adventures, water skiing, paddle boarding, swimming, hiking and anything else ‘outdoorsy’.


Chris Oxenham: Hi! My name is Chris and I am able to connect empathetically with others and create safe secure bases, to enable inclusion and playfulness in learning environments. This generates and enables students a calmer space to personally access learning opportunities and to developmentally flourish in and through complex situations. All work is complementary and supportive of the work of the staff and school's values. I look forward to meeting you and your children!

Good news!

We were really pleased to receive a $500 donation from the Uraidla branch of the CWA (Country Women's Association) to go towards decodable readers for our younger students learning to read. Thank you, CWA!


The Green Team has also been successful in winning a Landscapes Hills and Fleurieu Grassroots Grants worth $2,985 towards our work in environmental sustainability this year. Thank you to Alex Fry for putting together the successful application!

Free ticket raffle

Congratulations to Amelia Vagg and her family, who won the Cat in the Hat free ticket raffle. We hope you enjoy the show!  

Terrific Kids Term 2 

Congratulations to our Kiwanis Terrific Kids for term 2, Thomas Abslom and Harrison White. We all think you are terrific kids!


Have a great holiday everyone! I hope every family can enjoy some cosy time together. It's hard to believe we are already halfway through the year.  

See you when I'm back in week 5 next term! 

