Classroom News

Grade 1 & 2

Term 3, Week 2

It’s Term 3 already! We warmly welcome Miss Gemma Kahrimanis, ‘Miss K’ to Blackburn Primary and 1/2B. She has already had a great transition last term and we know that all of 1/2B are very excited to have her in their grade. We will be keeping in touch with Mrs Bennett and let you know her baby news when it happens.


We are really looking forward to knuckling down this term and getting lots of goals ticked off to recognise our learning. Our Integrated unit this term is looking at History - the focus is ‘What’s Our Story?’ We will be investigating our community, it’s features and change over time.

Reading & Writing

In Reading and Writing, we will continue using quality mentor texts, sometimes with a focus on non-fiction texts that will integrate with our History learning.


Students will continue developing the Reading Process, expanding sticky note thinking and the connections that they may have with text writing styles and content.


We appreciate the time you take at home to read with your child! Modelling and sharing reading is such an important experience to build enjoyment and skills. Asking guiding questions and predicting whilst reading, with reasons why your child thinks that is going to happen, also builds comprehension and general knowledge. Please continue to encourage your children to keep their Take Home Books for a couple of nights (or read them twice in a night), in order to practise their decoding, phonics skills, fluency and comprehension.


In Writing, we are switching to information writing during our learning sessions. Students are beginning to include research during the planning process in Writer’s Workshop. They will continue to work through the Writing Process, experimenting with vocabulary and new formats to inform an audience.


We are continuing to explore at least one open ended, problem solving maths task each week. This helps students build and expand their mathematical proficiencies and begin connecting many different mathematical concepts.


This term in Maths we will be covering the following topics:

  • Money
  • Place Value
  • Multiplication and Division
  • Measurement (Volume and Capacity)

Important Dates for Term 2

Please keep up to date with emails, the school newsletter and Compass for important information across the term!

Here are some of the highlights to look forward to:

  • 31st July - Daylight Disco
  • 14th - 18th August - Science Week
  • 21st - 25th August - Book Week
  • 30th August - Book Fun Day
  • 3rd September - Fathers Day Stall (during school day)
  • TBA History Excursion
  • 15th September - Footy Colours/Maths Day
  • Last Day of Term 3, 2:30pm finish

Thank you all for your continuing support at school and home. 

Year 1/2 Team