
Future Pathways Expo
Reminder: the Future Pathways Expo will be held on Wednesday 19 July at 6pm:
2024 Subject Selection
The 2024 subject selection process was launched on Thursday 22 June to students currently in Years 9 – 11 (Year 10 – 12 in 2024).
Relevant information can be found here:
Independent Schools Case Study
Huntingtower mentioned:
Recently, Independent Schools Victoria (ISV) and McCrindle released a case study report highlighting the social contribution of Independent Schools. The in-depth research within this project unpacks how Independent schools are having positive effects on their students and families, and on the broader community.
Huntingtower was mentioned in this study in a section titled "The Holistic Development of Students", where Principal Mr Andrew Houghton speaks about instilling belief in our students who head out into the community and contribute to the public good.
Click below to read the full report:
(Huntingtower is mentioned on page 44)
Share the Dignity
Thank you to all who supported the 'Share The Dignity' Drive. Which was a powerful initiative (led by the 2023 HT Prefects) aimed at bringing dignity and support to women experiencing homelessness, poverty, or fleeing domestic violence.