HT P&F News
Hi All,
It has been a busy Semester but Winter has definitely arrived. I hope some of you have a chance to get away somewhere warm over the holidays with your families.
Here is a quick wrap up of Semester 1, as seen by the P&F:
Welcome BBQ:
We had our largest turnout ever and had a lovely evening once the cool change came through. Good food, great music and plenty of connections made. Catching up with old friends post covid and meeting new people. This is becoming a spectacular start to our school years.
We are missing some old faces that have had to step away but great to see lots of new faces coming on board and putting their hands up to take on roles. Great to hear some fantastic ideas coming through for future events. A big ‘Thank You’ to all who volunteer in any way they can.
Cinema Under the Stars:
This was a new concept at HT with an outdoor movie. It had been postponed a few times due to ‘el nina’ but was great to see a good turnout on the oval for Puss in Boots. It was lovely to hear feedback from the ‘Movies on the Move’ staff telling us how wonderful and kind our community was.
Mothers Day Breakfast:
A new one this year, the Inaugural Mothers Day breakfast for the Junior School mums and kids. A huge turnout, perfect weather and a great team of cooks to celebrate the mums in our school. This event raised $975 which the Junior School Council has chosen to donate to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Great choice by the kids.
Trivia Night 2023 (80s/90s):
This year’s Trivia Night was another success. Great outfits, dance routines and air guitars. Big thanks to all who supported this evening. We raised $1790 which has been donated to the Drama Department to assist with the production in Term 3.
Honey Drive 2023:
Thanks to all that have purchased honey - 75 individual orders totalling 269 containers of honey. We packed it all and distributed so hope everyone is enjoying it. I will update you in the next Bulletin what we raised and where we will allocate the funds.
In the 2nd half of the year we will have the Production Candy Bar, Fathers Day brekkie and a few other little surprises we are working on. Keep an eye on HT Connect where I will update you all on what exciting things are to come.
Stay safe, keep warm and we hope to see your smiles around the school soon.
From the HT P&F Committee