Assistant Principal - Curriculum

Lou Corso


Late last Term we had a very successful working bee with over 25 parents and students attending. We cleared the garden area along Louis Street in order to build planter boxes and seating areas for students. We also cleaned both sand pits and weeded many of our garden beds. All families that attend our working bee will receive a working bee certificate at assembly in appreciation of the time and effort they have put in.



Have you ever asked your child how their day was to get a short sharp, “OK”. Or perhaps, What did you learn today? To receive, “Nothing”. It’s a common story in most households and I certainly get that response with my own children. Talking to your child about their day at school shows them that you value their experiences both academically and socially and that you are part of the learning process and their lives.


Starting a conversation might need to be more specific, like:

  • What book did you read today?
  • What was the best part of your school day?
  • Did you play with anyone at break time, what did you play?
  • Did you have any specialist subjects today?
  • Did you learn anything interesting?

Here are some great suggestions from to help your conversation along:

  • Make time to talk. This can often be when you’re doing something with your child. For example, your child might like to talk when you’re walking the dog or preparing dinner together.
  • Give your child your full attention if she/he wants to talk with you about her day.
  • Take seriously whatever your child tells you. For example, you can say things like, ‘That’s really interesting. Then what happened?’ or ‘And how do you feel about that?’
  • When you talk about the school and teachers with or in front of your child, use respectful language. For example, ‘I can see that’s frustrating, but Mr. Corso is your teacher and you need to speak respectfully to him’, or ‘Yes, that seems unfair, but perhaps you don’t know the whole story.
  • Should you hear anything that concerns you please don’t hesitate to contact your classroom teacher. We are all here to help and build a partnership with you and solve any issues that come along.