
Monday 9am 

Friday 2.45pm 

Term 3 Assembly roster

All parents and families are welcome to our assemblies. 

This term we have some sneak peaks to show regarding our whole school production. 

Monday morning at 9am - whole school 

Friday afternoon 2.45 in the gym. Group 1 and 2 alternate. 

Term 3 HEPS Monday assemblies 9am (whole school – front of school)

Content - National anthem, school oath, acknowledgment of country, focus for the week, lunch club reports, sport and community recognition, birthday celebrations 

Welcome back to Term 3 

Choir performing 

17/7Friendology information – Wellbeing captains 
24/7Friendology information – Wellbeing captains
31/7Level 5 and 6 students speaking about production 
7/8Friendology information – Wellbeing captains
14/8Level 1 and 4 students speaking about production
21/8Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Level 5)
28/8Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Level 3)

Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Level 2)

Fathers Day assembly


Aim High Assembly – Whole school 

Sneak peak – Production 2023 (Foundation) 

Choir performing 

HEPS Friday assemblies 2.45 – 3.30pm (gym)

Group 16JM, 6JL, 6RH, FKB, FSB, 1RK, 1KR 2DW, 2MY, 3MW, 3GE, 4BA, 4TO, 5YS, 5KV 
Group 26JM, 6JL, 6RH, FTD, FBB, 1EJ, 1CR, 2LL, 2AS, 3TM, 4LS, 4JE, 5KL, 5AP 
Date Classes attending and house captains Class running assembly

Curriculum day – student free day


Connect Groups


Student led assembly   

Group 1 Red House 

1RK and 1KR

Instrumental music performers TBC

Japanese captains presenting


Student led assembly   

Group 2 Blue House

5AP and 5KL

Instrumental music performers TBC

Japanese captains presenting


Connect Groups


Student led assembly   

Group 1 Gold House  

Grandparents Day 

Foundation FKB and FSB

Instrumental music performers TBC

Japanese captains presenting


Student led assembly   

Group 2 Green House  

4LS and 4JE

Instrumental music performers TBC 

Japanese captains presenting


Connect Groups


Student led assembly   

Group 1 Red House 


Instrumental music performers TBC


Last day of Term 3 

Whole school assembly 2.15-2.30pm – front of school


Aim High awards for excellence in Learning and or Wellbeing - Week 9, Term 2

FBBAreet For being such an amazing all-round student. Areet, your commitment to your learning this term has blown me away, along with the way you are always so kind, respectful and helpful to everyone around you. We are so lucky to have you in our class.
FTDHazelFor demonstrating amazing persistence in your writing and reading. Hazel you take extra effort to sound out the letters and blend them together to sound unknown words. You always make sure to reread your sentence and check if it makes sense. Well Done!
FSBHarvey Harvey always tries his best and is a great role model to others. He has shown amazing growth in his learning this Semester. He has worked very hard to learn the sounds of letters and digraphs, as well as many sight words. He is also always a kind and caring friend to others, great work Harvey!
FKBRemi For your enthusiasm towards all aspects of your schooling. Remi,  the delight on your face when you discover something new or master a skill is beautiful to see. Your love of learning is infectious. Keep aiming high you superstar!
1CRHenry For always striving to challenge yourself in all areas of your learning. You are a great role model to your peers and demonstrate all of the school values. You show kindness to all those around you and are always a team player! Congratulations on all that you have achieved!
1EJCharles Charles, you are an awesome role model to your classmates, always demonstrating our school values. You have worked extremely hard this Semester, always trying your best and taking great care in the work you complete. Keep ‘Aiming High’ superstar!
1KRErica For continually showing the school value of growth. Erica, you have worked exceptionally hard this semester and have continued to challenge yourself and improve your skills. I am so proud of the way you have applied yourself to your tasks and the excellent example you set for your classmates. Keep aiming high.
1RKHamish Hamish always tries his best and is a wonderful role model to his classmates. You put in so much effort to learn and improve in all areas of your learning. You have been a team player when it comes to working in pairs and groups. What a superstar you are Hamish, continue to keep ‘Aiming High’.
2DWEthan For being a hard worker. You have put in so much effort to improve your learning in all areas of the curriculum. You have been a team player when it comes to working in groups, and made sure that everyone has the chance to be heard. Keep up the good work Ethan. 
2LLJamie For being a motivated and hard worker. Jamie, you are always trying your best to show growth and improvement, especially in writing. You have impressed me with the way you put so much effort into making excellent word choices. Keep up the amazing positive attitude to learning, Jamie!
2 MYMaddie Maddie embodies our school values and consistently ‘Aims High’ across her school day. She approaches classroom tasks with gusto and strives to challenge herself and her learning. Maddie is a valued classmate, who’s positive and respectful attitude promotes kindness. She is  a great friend to her classmates. You are a wonderful role model for your peers Maddie, keep Aiming High!
2ASIsabella Isabella starts every day with a positive mindset. She displays the school values everyday, and always comes to school with a smile. In the classroom she quietly leads by example, giving each learning task her best effort. Isabella has shown a genuine commitment to always trying her best, promoting kindness, and is a great friend to her classmates. You are a wonderful role model for your peers Isabella, keep aiming high!
3GERose Rose comes to school each day ready to learn. She displays a growth mindset and is willing to give any challenge a go. She listens carefully to those around her and strives to do her best. Rose's commitment to personal growth is evident in her approach to challenges and her enthusiasm for acquiring new knowledge and skills. Her attentive listening skills and dedication to giving her best effort make her a role model for her peers.
3MWWillow Willow has continued to approach her learning this term with a positive growth mindset. She asks for help to further understand, listens to feedback and then readily applies it to her work. Learning tasks are always completed to the best of her ability. Willow has shown growth in all areas, through sharing her ideas more often, working well in small groups and tackling every task with quiet determination. Well done Willow!
3TMLizzie This term you have done an excellent job of explaining your thinking in lots of detail and with examples. You have demonstrated excellent growth in your reading abilities this semester. It has been a pleasure watching you think deeply about the characters in a story, confidently identifying their emotions and the motivations behind their actions. Well done, Lizzie!
4BADiya Diya is to be commended on her efforts this term. She approaches her schooling with a positive attitude and maturity beyond her years. Diya is considerate, well mannered and enjoys the company of her peers, always leading by example with her actions and mindset. Congratulations on a great term, Diya.
4JEAva Ava deserves the Principal's Award in 4JE for extraordinary efforts in all her school work and her wonderful social interaction with others. Ava has demonstrated outstanding academic accomplishment and has consistently shown a socially mindful attitude in Level 4. Through a confident and diligent attitude, Ava has maintained excellent grades and has shown a sincere commitment to being socially responsible, promoting kindness, and encouraging the inclusion of everyone in the class. Her contributions to the classroom and wider have been thoughtfully applied, and it is important to recognize her success as an example to the school. Congratulations, Ava, and keep up the amazing work!
4LSHumzaHumza is an incredibly positive role model in our class and school. He upholds the school values effortlessly and is someone his peers can rely on. Humza completes his work to the best of his ability and is curious about the world around him. This often leads to authentic class conversations. Congratulations on a great term Humza, you are awesome! 
4TOMadison Madison is constantly approaching each school day with a positive attitude. She tries her best in every task and shows compassion towards her peers. Madison is always willing to help with classroom roles and is a great role model. It is so lovely to have such a respectful and thoughtful student in 4TO. Keep shining, Madison! 
5YSPaige For showing tremendous growth in your confidence. when you are completing a task. I absolutely enjoyed watching you blossom, asking questions to clarify instructions and producing work to a very high standard. Please keep believing in yourself and be proud of your effort and achievements!
5KLAritha For his incredible work ethic and commitment to his learning. Aritha is always striving to challenge himself and aim high. He shines as he shows kindness, humility and he is always building his friends up. Aritha is an amazing role model and everyone in his life should be proud of his values and the person he is.    
5CBZoe Zoe, you have such a fantastic attitude towards your learning. Your dedication and commitment to your school work and the high level of respect you have for your peers and teachers are just a couple of the wonderful qualities you demonstrate. You are a great role model to others being polite, cooperative and showing our HEPS values. Congratulations on a great term!
5APMaisie Maisie, you should be so proud of yourself for your consistent hard work in the classroom. You are always listening and contributing in every class discussion, you are focused and determined to master every skill we are learning and you are always generous with your time when a classmate needs an extra explanation. You are such an important part of 5AP and an absolute joy to teach every day. 
6JMSophie Sophie, you have a fantastic attitude for learning and your studies. The commitment you have for your homework and the high level of respect you have for your peers and teachers are just a couple of the wonderful qualities you demonstrate each day at HEPS. Further to this, the positiveness you display, your easy-going nature and have a go attitude, has allowed you to have so much success this year. You are a superb role model and an outstanding Level 6 leader. Keep on doing what you do!
6RHRuby Ruby, you are an absolute star! From the moment you enter the classroom, your warm and friendly personality shines. You should be incredibly proud of the growth you have achieved with your learning this term and the compassion you demonstrate each day for your peers and Foundation buddy. Keep aiming high!
6JLHarper Harper, you are such a superstar! You approach every task with a growth mindset and always put in your best effort to all tasks. You showed wonderful creativity and resilience when creating an artwork for our school wellbeing program. You have impressive growth in Numeracy this term and absolutely shine when doing creative writing. Keep shining Harper!
SustainabilityClaire FBBFor always demonstrating the HEPS values and enthusiasm in the Sustainability classroom. Claire always approaches her learning with positivity and engages thoughtfully in all she attempts. She brings a growth mindset every week and is always willing to give it her best try. Keep up the great work, Claire!
PEAmelia Amelia has demonstrated great enthusiasm and engagement in all physical education classes and is a fantastic role mode for her peers. She has been an asset for the junior classes she has helped with as she is encouraging and respectful of everyone. Amelia upholds all the school values and should be very proud of herself. 
ArtKatherine 6JMKatherine has shown a great attitude toward all of this term’s art projects with a willingness to explore ideas and expand her skill set resulting in some fantastic art pieces. She is always polite, cooperative and a role model for other students. Well done on a fantastic term, Katherine. 
JapaneseLuke 6JLThis semester in Japanese, Luke has continued to be a dedicated learner and is thriving in his new role as Japanese Captain. He has taken on all learning tasks with determination and consistently seeks ways to extend his learning. Luke always assists Miss Pond at Japanese club and works with younger students during tasks. Luke is a passionate, respectful and kind leader who I know will continue to thrive throughout the rest of 2023. Awesome work, Luke!
STEAMDarsh This term in STEAM, Darsh has displayed his passion for the Design Thinking Process through the use of Makers Empire.  He has created 79 designs which considered the briefs throughout. It was pleasing to see Darsh assist his peers, sharing his learnt knowledge in both STEAM lessons and coding club. Well done, Darsh!
Performing ArtsWilliam This term in Performing Arts William has shown his passion for music through the 20th century. He has demonstrated a deep understanding and curiosity for the contexts and changing sounds of the time. When he brought in his family’s copy of a Dire Straits vinyl to play on the record player it was an exciting day! Keep engaging with areas that spark your interest and excitement. Well done on a wonderful term, Will! 

Week 8 Friday assembly - Term 2 Values wristband awards

Group 2     Gold house assembly 



Name and valueComment
FBBMervyn - GrowthFor doing your very best to learn and understand in the classroom. I have loved watching your confidence grow and hearing you speak to your classmates and teachers. Keep up the great work! 
FTDClara - teamworkFor being an awesome team member. When working in groups  you listen to your partner, take lead when needed, guide your members  and make sure everyone gets their turn and is doing the right thing.  
1EJParmish - GrowthFor always showing a can do attitude! You have shown lots of growth in your writing this term by always trying your best and giving it a go. Keep up the awesome work Parmish!
1CROlly - RespectOlly you are always showing such great respect to your teachers and peers. You are a great role model and such a caring friend. You always do your work and follow instructions promptly. Well done Olly!
2LLJames - TeamworkFor consistently being a supporting team member to others. Not only do you always look after your friends, you also collaborate fairly,  patiently, and respectfully with all of your classmates in 2LL. You make sure to always take on responsibility and do your part in shared activities. Well done, James!
2ASConnor - TeamworkFor being a wonderful team member during our recent trip down to Mullum Mullum creek. Connor, you listened well, shared your ideas and worked with your group in all of your activities. Keep it up! 
3TMJames - GrowthJames has continually made growth in all learning areas this term. His curious nature and positive attitude towards learning make him an absolute delight to have in the classroom. Well done, James, on all of your amazing work!
4LSSienna - TeamworkSienna’s positive and respectful nature is to be admired. She makes good choices when working with partners and sets good boundaries for herself in the classroom and the playground. Sienna contributes to the inclusive culture of our classroom and her smile lights up the room. You are awesome Sienna!
4JEKathy Teamwork

Kathy (aka Banana!) for demonstrating outstanding teamwork skill and dedication to produce an excellent information report on Matthew Flinders with your class partner. Your ability to collaborate and contribute to a collective project has been truly impressive. You are a wonderful member of the class who helps others and demonstrates dedication all the time.  


Congratulations Kathy.


5KLLeo - RespectLeo shows respect to his peers and teachers all day everyday at school. He has an incredible work ethic, works brilliantly with others and does everything with a smile on his face. He is a huge reason that 5KL has an inclusive classroom culture. Well done Leo! 
5APLily - GrowthFor the amazing growth in your attitude and level of determination in your school work over the last few weeks. I love how you are so focused on your tasks and completing everything to such a high standard.
6JLVishnu - TeamworkFor displaying strong leadership in every task you do. You always lead by example and are a great teammate in any situation. You show initiative in the classroom and are always the first to help out! Well done Vishnu.
6RHTjahli For your positive attitude and caring nature. You have been such a positive influence in 6RH and demonstrate terrific teamwork in all activities. HEPS is so lucky to have you! Well done superstar!
STEAMJackson 5KLFor your positive attitude towards the design thinking process. You have created many wonderful designs throughout this Semester. 
PEAmelia Amelia always brings a positive attitude to Physical Education classes and is a great role model for her peers both of age and younger. She exemplifies all HEPS values in her lessons and when assisting the junior grades. She constantly demonstrates empathy for her peers when in the yard and is always encouraging and supportive. Keep up the great work Amelia.
Visual ArtTeddy  (3TM) RespectFor consistently showing respect towards Mrs Hayes and your classmates during Art. You make positive choices, show kindness and encouragement to those around you and always tidy up the resources. Well done, Teddy!

Shreya 5KL


Teamwork- For being super helpful and showing great leadership skills in the sustainability room when helping Mrs Whitfield.