Boarding News

Photo Day
Photo Day

It is photo week here at St Philip’s and this year we made the decision to combine both boys and girls for one large group photo. I must say that they all looked splendid in their full winter uniform and it was a shame that our two girls Kelsey and Maria who attend other educational institutions could not be there to join us.




This semester’s theme is Good Manners. All people involved in boarding are to treat others how they would like to be treated themselves. It is pleasing to see the cohort using GM during their interactions, and it appears to be gaining some momentum with all.

Thursdays are meeting days and it is an open forum for the Boarders to express their concerns and complaints and compliments. The contributions are varied but all who participate are given “the floor” and it is good to see most being attentive and listening. As the term progresses, I would like to see the Seniors starting to run the forum.


Last Saturday, Marea took all of the contingent on a walk to the soccer fields to watch Fabrice’s team play in the Senior division. His team should be congratulated for having a kick with them and introducing themselves to the group.


Keegan on the long board course
Keegan on the long board course

Sunday was a very active day with Hamish setting up his slackline and promising all who completed the line a reward. Despite several attempts by many boarders he kept the reward for next time. This was followed in the afternoon with a big kick on the oval and then after Chapel, there was a game of dodgeball and finally the new game Murder in the Dark.


The inventiveness of the boarding contingent always leaves me inspired and a special mention to Keegan and Keneifa who set up a long board track near the Science Block. It did look like lots of fun.



To our parents and guardians and friends feel free to join us at any time and especially for dinner.


Tammy Hawkins

Acting Director of Boarder