Principal's News

Our theme for this year is 



Dear Parents,

I hope you are all surviving our current lockdown. Thank-you for the wonderful support you are providing for your children's learning. Let's hope we do not have to do it for too much longer and we are all back at school on Friday. I have been reading and hearing about some wonderful groups doing so much for those doing it tough. Whilst it is normal to bemoan the worst of the situation we find ourselves in, it is also good to acknowledge the good it brings out in the community.

Here is a link to an uplifting story of a group doing some great work in these challenging times:


ARE YOU  OK?  Covid  Stress Relief Workshop.

St Kevin's Parish has organised for a special FREE workshop to take place on Saturday 11th September to support, reassure, rebalance and empower you with simple techniques and practices to help you soothe your body mind and spirit. Please see the flyer below for more details and email Lydia on or call on 0411 191 495 if you are interested in attending.



We have had to postpone our cricket and football divisional finals for our year 5/6 teams - but they will go ahead as soon as we are able to organise them. 


The first communion dates for the year 4 students have been postponed. The new dates are outlined below:

14th October - Student Reflection Day 9.30 a.m. - 2.30 p.m.

14th October - Parent and Student Workshop Night 7.00 p.m. in the church

23rd October - 5.30 p.m. Sacrament of First Eucharist in the church

24th October - 10.00 a.m. Sacrament of First Eucharist in the church

Families will once again be able to choose which of the above dates suits their family best to celebrate their child's First Communion.


We will send home booking information as soon as we get it - hopefully sometime this week.

Bakers Delight Lunch:

Our Bakers Delight Lunch that has been missed during the the last two lockdowns will again be rescheduled. We will let you know the new date as soon as we are back onsite.

Fathers' Day Breakfast and Billy Cart Event:

Our Fathers' Day Breakfast will be unable to go ahead on Friday 3rd September. We are well aware that we will not be able to have that many visitors onsite even if the lockdown is over. We will still go ahead with the Billy Cart Event but at this stage will have to restrict it to a children and staff only event that we will hold during the day on Friday 3rd September.  We will video the wonderful inventions racing through our school and make them available to families. 

Book Week Dress Up Day:

Book Week Dress Up Day will still go ahead on Tuesday 24th August, if we are back onsite. Again, we are presuming it will be a student and staff event only, as in the past after a lockdown we have been required to keep visitors to essential services only. Again we will take lots of photos and share them with you all.

Covid Reminders:

  • You are very welcome to come into the office and direct all inquiries/messages  to Robyn, but please do not enter the learning spaces. Please remember to wear your mask and register using our QR code.
  • Please ensure you and your children stay home if unwell and get tested
  • Continue to practise good hand hygiene


If you are aware of anyone who has a child starting prep in 2022  please encourage them to contact us for an enrolment pack. If you have a child starting school in 2022 - feel free to access the enrolment form on our website or by accessing the link below. 

Kindest regards


Frances Matisi
