Principal's Message

Dear Parents/Carers,
“Empowering students for learning and life”
Our students, families and teachers are continuing to do a magnificent job supporting each other with learning at home. Our staff are working hard to stay in contact with students through online Webex lessons, through emails and phone calls and through the lesson information on Compass. Remote Learning has been extended and we all continue to do our best while we focus on our health. I sincerely thank our parents and carers for their support with learning during this time.
Our school’s NAPLAN results have been released and individual student results will be sent home shortly. The recent state NAPLAN results suggest that the impact on learning is not as great as we might have predicted.
Across secondary schools, more students are achieving in the top 2 Bands. Year 7 students improved in Reading, Writing and Spelling compared to 2019 and achieved the highest score in any state or territory on Reading and Numeracy.
At Lyndhurst Secondary College our students are achieving strong results in Year 9 on Reading and achieving results close to similar and network schools in Writing and Numeracy.
Congratulations to our VCAL students for the Month of Challenges. This has involved students, staff and parents in sharing jokes, trick shots (still to come) and a student Art Competition to design an Art Work. Last Thursday night, twenty five families logged on to Webex from their lounge rooms to compete in a Virtual Trivia Night. Thank you to VCAL students and to Sue Carroll, Lauren Shaw and Tegan Kite for their work on this. Congratulations to the winners!
The tender process for the new school fence is underway and more information will be provided about the installation process as this becomes available. The fence will run along the South Gippsland Highway frontage and Wentworth Street across to the edge of the pathway that leads to the walk through to Merinda Park.
Enjoy the change in weather, spring is here!
Kind regards
Leanne Winfield
Acting Principal