Junior School Report

In the Junior School, we have been implementing ‘Circuit Breaker’ lessons during lockdown to try and increase student connectivity, wellbeing, engagement, and help students manage lockdown challenges. Some of the topics/activities covered have been; house activities, mindfulness, the power of gratitude and storytelling. Students enjoyed these sessions and it gave them a much-needed break from their timetabled Remote Learning classes. 

We are really proud of our students, once again, for their flexibility, adaptability and their resilience in Remote Learning. We have found many students are demonstrating the 5Ps (Student Learning Framework), through being:



  • Present: Checking in to classes on time and asking questions
  • Productive: Completing set classwork and uploading to Learning Tasks
  • Prepared: Having their iPads charged and accessing required resources (eg/ subject workbooks)
  • Persistent: Continuing to try and not giving up!
  • Proactive: Asking questions of their teachers to clarify information and using Webex.

We want to thank our parents and guardians for supporting your children with their Remote Learning classes. We realise these are unprecedented times and know the difficulty for families with children completing their Remote Learning from home. Thank you for your perseverance and supporting our staff and the College.

We wish all of our Junior School students and families a restful term break. We encourage the students to have some ‘screen free’ time whilst pursuing other interests.

Take care and stay safe. See you in Term 4. 

Mrs Portelli and Ms Fode