Sub School News

Sub School News
Year 9
Who would have thought we would be back in another lockdown? I wanted to thank all the students and their families for your efforts during these lockdowns. It is a real credit to everyone on how you have transitioned into and out of these periods of remote learning. The number one priority, for everyone, is the health and wellbeing of all our College community (staff, students and families).
Staff are creating structured lessons, with live WebEx, to keep your children engaged with their schooling and a sense of normalcy through a consistent routine. Attendance for students, during remote learning, is so important to ensure continuity of learning and so we can help support their wellbeing.
Just before we went into lockdown, Year 9 students were completing their course counselling. If your child is undertaking a VET course in 2022, please ensure they have created a USI number. This can be done at
Unfortunately, City Week had to be postponed due to the lockdowns in Melbourne. A tentative date for October 26th-29th has been decided upon. If you have already paid and consented for your child, this will remain the same. If you missed the cut off date, you will have the opportunity to consent again in Term Four.