Opal Community
Welcome to Opal
We are all looking forward to getting to know all of our parents and working together to support all of our students in what promises to be an amazing year!! Together we will be exploring the learning areas of Literacy, Numeracy, Inquiry Learning and School Wide Positive Behaviour. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact one of us at school or via email.
Please find information below in regards to our timetables and other weekly happenings
Library: Fridays
Every Friday morning students will spend time exploring and borrowing books from our school library.
Specialist: Wednesdays & Thursdays
During this time students will be participating in Visual Arts, Science, Performing Arts, Physical Education and Multimedia.
Yellow Books: Wednesdays
Every Wednesday students Reading Journals (yellow books) will be collected. The amount of nights that each student has read will be recorded as students attempt to climb the Opal Reading Tree all the way to 200 nights!
Spelling: Fridays
After we have visited the library, we will conduct our weekly spelling assessment. Each week students will be allocated five spelling words. These words will be based on individual student spelling needs. Students will be expected to practice these words at home in preparation for the test on Friday the following week.
We will have an assembly every week on Friday afternoon. In the even numbered weeks, assemblies will be held in the gym, starting at 2:20pm. Odd numbered weeks we will have a community assembly in Opal Community at 2:20pm. During these assemblies, we will celebrate student achievements and share information about school events. Parents are encouraged to attend both.
Lost Property
If your child has lost something at school, we have a lost property tub in Opal Community. If the lost item is not in our community, we also have a whole school lost property tub, located just outside of the sick bay.