Garnet Community
Aloha Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to a new year in Garnet Community.
The year has gone off with a flying start by getting to know each other in our new ‘Ohana’. We played many games such as Flip, Flop, Toss, Hoola Hoop Race and Just Dance Hawaii Style at the start of the year to get to know our Ohana. We also have learnt some Hawaiian words such as ‘Aloha’ (hello/goodbye) & ‘Mahalo’ (thank you) and have made Lei’s and Tiki Puppets to help us learn more about Hawaii.
So far, we have been learning about ‘Identity’ and reading our way through 20 days of reading. We have also been involved in many experiences to help us write recounts and learning more about numbers and their place value.
We look forward to a great year ahead with our Garnet Ohana J
Garnet Teachers