Principal's Message
It has been another wonderful week at Truganina South PS. This newsletter is action packed with many wonderful entries and lots of news from across the school community.
Recent Highlights
Some of our school highlights in the recent past have included the Queen's Baton event (attended by all our school leaders), the District Swimming Carnival (TSPS came an admirable third in the placings), the Parent Helpers Program has begun, the Prep student assessments have continued and in general there has been a calm yet purposeful vibe as students and teachers go about the business of teaching and learning within a holistic and growth mindset. A huge congratulations to our Swimming team on their achievements and most importantly for the manner in which they represented our school. I also thank Lee, Jackie, Jane and Liz our staff members who attended the day and thank the families who did attend the event to cheer our squad on. One parent told me she lost her voice in cheering our students on! I also thank Lisa S and Janis for their leadership of the Parent Helpers Program.
School Council Parent Nominee Elections
I am also very appreciative of the seven parents who have nominated for School Council. we will run an election process to select for the three vacancies available for School Council. I wish our nominees well in the process and ask that all families look out for the voting pack that will be distributed via the eldest child on Friday afternoon. Voting is open from Monday 26 - Wednesday 28th February. Voting closes 4.00 pm on Wednesday 28. Ballot papers need to be returned in the provided envelope, sealed and to the office either by parent or child. Families can only vote once (hence the labelled return envelope). Voting is not compulsory, but I was encouraged last year when we received more than two hundred ballot returns. This is a great way for families to be part of the decision making process as part of TSPS.
Writing Focus at TSPS
As part of the school's Annual Implementation Plan for 2018, as part of teaching and learning we have identified Writing as an area of intense focus. As part of this focus, I am currently visiting all students in their communities or as part of their library sessions to share the picture book "Malala's Magic Pencil". It gives me the opportunity to speak to the students about my belief in them as learners and the power they have in the written word (both reading and writing) and why their education is important to us all. I am loving spending this time with them all. To quote Malala herself " one child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world".
Home Learning
Shortly, families will receive curriculum newsletters from each cohort. Valuing the home school partnership and taking on board feedback from parents asking how they can help at home, we are working on a number of strategies to support and enhance the home learning process. So please keep an eye out for this information at the end of next week. Homework is very different these days as to what I or you as parents may have experienced as students and there is interesting research out there about the impact effect of home work and what homework should look like. If you are interested the work of John Hattie (Visible Learning) is worth a look. Also attached to this document will be a draft of the Home Learning Policy which we have revisited and revamped in order to better meet the needs of our students whilst keeping in line with DET guidelines and expectations. If you do have any feedback (positive or constructive) or queries, please use the draft document to write your thoughts and return it back to school. I am very keen to hear any feedback you have about this draft policy.
Our carnival is fast approaching. Just four weeks away with so much tremendous planning underway, it should be a wonderful event that will bring families and friends together as a community. A reminder that wrist bands and showbag orders will close shortly. Tickets for rides are also available on the day. There are many food stalls organised. Community cultural groups and student performances will provide great entertainment throughout the afternoon. We also have stalls and activities a plenty, an pet farm, a disco, free sports and even a splash tank (where teachers will brave the dreaded target), and a number of other information booths to engage and entice you all. This will be our biggest fundraiser for the year. I acknowledge the support of a very small but very positive and proactive parent carnival team. Bring your family! Bring your friends! Come join our party!