Student Awards

Student of the Week

Presented 11 February 2019

1 BC

Zac Whitehill-Field

For being very responsible.  Zac is responsible for his belongings and works diligently.  Well done Zac!

1 EB 

Godfrey Li

Great job settling into our class.  Well done Godfrey!

1 LD

Kingsley Lay

For consistently using the '5Ls of Listening' and following our WHPS School Values. What a fantastic start to the year!

1 MG

Christopher Liu 

For settling into school so well and for the respect you show towards others. Well done Chris!

1 TJ

Katie Malaeb

For listening carefully and following instructions.  Well done Katie!

2 AW

Stevie Efstathiou

For an excellent start to the year by demonstrating excellent manners and participating in class activities cheerfully. Well done Stevie!

2 RK

Billy Huang

For your enthusiastic approach and excellent use of problem solving strategies in our Maths session. Well done Billy!

2 SC

Curtis Or

For settling in so well in Year 2 at Wheelers Hill Primary School. You have made a great start to the year. Well done Curtis!

2 SO

Shane Wickramanayake

For making an excellent start to the year at a new school. You have settled in very well. Well done, Shane!

3 JG

Ellie Duong

For an excellent start to Year 3. You participate enthusiastically and are eager to share your thoughts. Well done, Ellie!


Chris TOMUS 

For an absolutely amazing start to Year 3. You have approached all our learning and class discussions with fantastic enthusiasm. Great job, Chris! 



3 TL

Kaitlyn Sturrock

For embodying the school value of resilience. It doesn't matter what happens to Kaitlyn, she gets back up and faces the next challenge without complaint.

4 JS

Hirun Palipana

For being a delightful, focused, hard working student. Keep up the great attitude Hirun!

4 SP

Dylan Smith

For an amazing start in 4SP. Keep trying hard and doing your best work Dylan!

4 WB

Leonora Rakovic

Welcome to WHPS. You have made a great start to the year in your new school. Your manners and work habits are outstanding.

5 DS

Felix Liandouw

For starting off confidently at his new school. Welcome to WHPS! You have made a great start to Year 5!  

5 MP

Paige Bretherton

For being an enthusiastic and well mannered student. Keep up the great start to Year 5! 

5 SM

Jerry Wang

For being a wonderful friend and helper to our new student. Thank you Jerry!

6 EF

Subeer Marwaha

For an excellent start to Year 6! You enthusiastically engage in class discussions, and always offer a helping hand. Keep it up, Subeer!

6 JD

Esther Mechielsen

For your willingness to contribute thoughtfully to class discussions and work effectively in a group.

6 VB

Helena Huang

For a fantastic start at WHPS. You have displayed resilience, a friendly attitude and a willingness to have a go. Great effort Helena!