What's Happening in the Classroom .......


1TJ have had a fantastic start to 2019.  We have been very busy getting to know each another, learning about Australia Day, creating an ID poster all about us and creating a ‘Maths About Me’ poster. 

We have also spent some time settling into the B Block building, learning where to line up, commencing our specialist programs and learning about Cyber Safety with the online program Hector’s World.  The students from 1TJ would like to remind all WHPS students to keep their personal information safe when online.

Last week we saw the delivery of our new interactive TV.  Students really enjoy the new technology and we look forward to using our new interactive TV to enhance students’ learning in class.


This week 1TJ students were asked “Why do we come to school?”   

 Here are some of the responses:

Aadit – so we can learn new things

Harshal – to get better at writing

Emily – to make and play with my friends

Gaia – to learn about maths and reading

Adam – to get better at things you need practice at

Kerry – because I want to learn more about reading books and having fun

Aria – to get better at handwriting

Dimath – to learn more about graphs and data

Jed – to learn about how to keep safe when playing games online