What's Happening in the Classroom .......

Teddy Bear Hospital Report

By Prep RG

Yeah!  We brought in our teddies on Tuesday 23 July, as did all Prep students. 

Our teddies participated with us in many different activities which raised our awareness of different aspects of our health.  The Teddy Bear Hospital activities were facilitated by medical students from Monash University (during their holidays).  We participated in:  Asthma awareness, Broken bones (we made plaster casts for our fingers and decorated them with glitter!), X-rays, Immunisation and needles, Healthy food, Surgery and learning about some of the organs of our body and a general check-up.  Big Ted (the program’s mascot) also visited WHPS.  We worked in small groups and rotated between eight activities with the same Monash University students.  They did well learning our names and how to communicate with us and we did well learning so much about our bodies! 

We are very grateful to Monash University for giving us the opportunity to participate in such a wonderful program.  😊