OSHC Information



The older children are enjoying Hama beads and craft activities in the portable. The children in the main room have enjoyed learning to use chopsticks and the small table games and activities. Mornings can be a hard time when you are still waking up and games/activities that only have two or three people involved are perfect.

The focus for the next two weeks is to embrace relaxation day and do some meditation and the older children will experiment with Lego marble mazes and construct their own mazes to run the marble from one end to the other



Junior Program

Over the past couple of weeks, the children have enjoyed working with Dr Bruce Hurst who is conducting research with many of our prep children. Two areas that the children have also been engaged in are collage and the Steiner area. They have been busy making and building creations

The focus for the next two weeks is to include some Indian and Aboriginal games and experimenting with different paining techniques such as sponge and blow painting


Middle Program

The children have been very interested in a variety of wool activities including pom-pom making, knitting nancy’s and knitting. Childe across all year’s levels have collaborated to make different structures out of the stick and ball connecters including a house and a hotel

The focus for the next two weeks is to start creating a gift for a significant person in their lives in celebration of father’s day and continue our “Fun Friday”. We plan something different and exciting each fortnight for the children like a program disco or group games


Senior Program

The past few weeks the children have really enjoyed Hama bead creations. Using our design book to create things from harry potter and marvel. Some of the older children have started to design and paint a book box. Many have also used decoupage to decorate parts of the box.


The focus for the next two weeks is to encourage imagination through Lego building and build problem-solving skills. The children will also continue with Hama beads and how we can use those creations to make works of art


Direct Debit System

Thanks you to all of the families who have returned their direct debit payment forms.

We have the system up and running and will have our first full run of payment on Friday 16th August

Please check your invoices on Monday when they are emailed out and let me know if you have any concerns. If you have a large outstanding amount that can’t be taken in 1 payment please talk to me so we can break it up.



From the OSHC Team