Learning and Teaching

Ch..ch..ch..changes with Supreme Incursions
On Monday, 12th November, students had the opportunity to learn, predict, explore and discuss changes through science with Supreme Incursions. Students were able to engage in a range of activities such as magnets, slime, how things move, chemical reactions, Billy Carts and even some engineering. It was wonderful to see how the students chose activities to explore independently as well as working collaboratively with their peers . Check out some of the photos of the Preps, 1's and 2's in their session.
Galilee Music Soirees
Our instrumental students have been working towards our bi-annual music soirees. This semester these will be held on:
Tuesday 20th November, 5-7pm, school hall: Violin, Keyboard, Drums and Guitar
Thursday 22nd November, 5-7pm, school hall: Voice
We would love to have a large, supportive audience for both soirees. Looking forward to seeing you there.
Miss Carnovale
Galilee Annual Christmas Carols
All classes have been working on Christmas Carols in Performing Arts Classes for our Annual Christmas Carols evening to be held on Wednesday 5th December from 5-7pm on the basketball court.
There will be food vans, drinks and snacks available for purchase.
We would love to see you there to support our students and enjoy an evening of singing with our school community.
Many thanks,
Miss Carnovale
Jane Ferris
At Galilee, we hold and promote high expectations for all of our students. We believe that students who receive effective early instruction and intervention, wherever they sit in their learning, will achieve the highest growth and achievement possible for each of them. Underpinning our approach to education are the following principals:
- All students can learn.
- To be effective, we must enable a culture of learning.
- Effective teachers are critical to each student’s learning success.
- Learning and teaching are inclusive of all.
- Teaching support matches the needs and talents of the student.
- Effective teaching practices are research-based.
- Inclusive schools actively engage and work in partnership with the wider community.
At Galilee, we foster a sense of community and belonging for all and strive to develop the potential of each individual. Through our Mathematics learning and teaching programmes, we target each child at his/her point of need and extend each child from there. This includes children requiring learning support, as well as children who are achieving highly in Maths, and every child in between.
Our professional development of teachers in Mathematics, along with our Number Intervention programme, supported by parent helpers and Learning Support Officers, have been directed at improving the outcomes of every child in the school. Our excellent NAPLAN Numeracy results demonstrate the effectiveness of this team effort in Maths.
Year 2 children participating in Number Intervention this semester have demonstrated some fantastic learning, through direct instruction and through games.
Wendy enjoyed receiving a Deputy’s Award from Mr Martello for reading and writing 5-digit numbers; Will received his for reading and writing 9-digit numbers!
In 2019, we will continue to include parents in our Number Intervention programme, as the effectiveness of the work of our current parents is clear. If you would like to be a part of this fabulous community effort, please contact me at my email address above. We will hold a training session early in Term 1, date to be advised.