Education in Faith

Confirmation at OLMC
Congratulations to the Year 6 students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Friday the 9th of November at OLMC. We thank the Year 6 parents, teachers and staff at OLMC for preparing the students so well. It was a beautiful service led by Bishop Elliot. Bishop Elliot spoke about Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came like a wind in the upper room and the people were filled with power with all the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. We wish these students well as they continue on their faith journey filled with the mighty power of God.
Confirmation at St Peter and Paul's
We look forward to celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation with the Confirmation candidates at SPP on Sunday the 25th of November at 10:00am.
Awakening Australia 16-18th November
We have a busy weekend this weekend with the Dad’s camp. There is another major event happening at Marvel Stadium called: ‘Awakening Australia.’ It is a meeting for 3 days for all Christians from all denominations.
When: November 16-18th, 2018
Cost: $20
Join thousands from all over Australia coming together with one purpose: "AUSTRALIA FOR JESUS" This will be a nationwide event like no other. It's for all Christian believers and also an amazing opportunity to bring friends and family to experience God.
+ Three full days in the stadium
+ Huge outreaches flooding the city with the love of God
+ Thousands coming from all around the world+ Leaders and churches coming together as One to show our country a united family of God.
Please checkout the link below:
It’s going to be amazing!
Galilee Day
A reminder children will celebrate Galilee Day next Friday the 23rd of November. A Mass at SPP will begin at 9.30am. Instead of a lunch at school as it is already a lunch order day, we are asking each child to please bring in a non perishable item of food to donate to the kitchen of the Capuchin Friars in South Melbourne at SPP. This link gives a small indication of the amazing work they faithfully do to be the hands and feet of Jesus showing love and compassion towards the poor, homeless and hungry. You may also choose to donate a toiletry item instead. We look forward to celebrating Galilee Day with the 'Joy of Giving' to others. Happy birthday Galilee!