Principal's Report

Holiday Message
Wishing everyone a wonderful Christmas and a safe holiday break.
It has been a pleasure working with our community in 2019. I thank everyone for their commitment to the education of our students.
Thankyou to the GPA who have organised successful events and raised a large sum of money. Thankyou to the SEB for their extraordinary support and spwcialised skills that they have contributed in 2019. The SEB will have Darren Catherall as the new Chair with two new members: Tim Anderson and Nicole Loriente.
Thankyou to the students for their hard work, respect for each orther and academic achievements. Our NAPLAN results are very high in 2019 which is reflective in the large amount of assessments conducted by teachers. In 2020, we will continue to focus on the use of data to increase the academic growth of the students. We will continue with speech therapy and occupational therapy to support our students. A particular emphasis will be placed on Writing with the use of additional teachers in particular year levels.
Thankyou to Fr Dean, Fr Hugh and now Fr John for the fabulous work they ndo with our parish and school communities.
Thankyou to our wonderful staff for their dedication to the students. In 2019, some of our successful new initiatives have been:
Smart Spelling, additional teachers in Maths and English, English and Maths Blocks, refined calendar to reduce interruptions, added sport training, 40 minute recess/lunch, facilitated planning for staff, adjustments to wellbeing program, termly surveys by students, greater emphasis upon student leadership, connections with local community, SEEDs and SPROUTs (school readiness), the beginning of a our school building program....and much more.
End of Year
A reminder that tomorrow, 17 December, is the last day of the year and students finish at 1:30pm. Students not picked up by 1:50pm will be sent to TheirCare and families will be charged.
There has been a long process to update our current uniform and consultation with the school community. Designs are almost complete and will be shown to you early in 2020. Unfortunately the new uniform will not be ready for your child to wear from the beginning of 2020. The current uniform will still be available and a long transition period throughout 2021 and 2022 will allow for your child to make full use of what you purchase. The new uniform will be available in the second half of 2020. During the transition period, blending of the current and the new uniform is allowed as we are keeping the same colour scheme.
Please read the schedule of fees for the 2020 school year.
School Captain Speeches
Good evening Fathers, teachers, parents, carers, friends, family, the Year 6 students of 2019 and the future Year Six Students of 2020, my name is Alex and I am one of the 2019 School Captains.
Well, the time has come, it is time for us to leave Galilee. Although this moment is bittersweet, we are all looking forward to something. Whether it is next year, new friends or even christmas, we are all looking forward to something. What I have always looked forward to, even when I was in prep, was becoming one of the big kids of the school, in particular, becoming a buddy to the little preppies. Sadly, that time has come and gone and now here we are, ready to leave the place that has been our second home for 7 years.
Reflecting on the past, my mind wanders to the days before I started prep. I remember how scared I was, going to a completely different set-up than my kinder, a whole new place, but, as time progressed I quickly got used to the way things worked at Galilee and I started to enjoy the fact that I was here. Seven years on, we find ourselves in the same position as we move to different high schools, but remember we are adaptable, independent and will settle in, just like we did here.
We have had many highlights over the years. In Prep we went to the cinema to see Frozen, in Year One we went on lots of excursions, in Year Two we made our own music and wrote long narratives, in Year Three we went on our first school camp when we went to the Zoo Snooze, which coincidentally, was on my birthday that year! Edging towards our senior years at Galilee, we have had more opportunities, for example in Year 4 we learnt the recorder with Ms Giles. Year 5 we had a big joint classroom and took the chance to apply for a leadership role.
2019 has been one of the most enjoyable years with so many opportunities ranging from the leadership forum, community games and interschool sports. Recently we have travelled to Funfields, Canberra, hosted Charity Stalls, had book lock ins and much more, for what I would dub, “The Festival of Year Six”. But it hasn’t just been activities and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the teachers that we have had over the last seven years, for making us well prepared students for the next steps of our educational journey.
One of the main things you learn at Galilee is how to make friends and show respect towards others. These are the main life skills you need to have a successful life and be a good citizen. Now in Year 6, I know that I have made some lifelong friends that I can keep in touch with but sadly will also have to leave behind some people that I will really miss. Galilee makes everyone feel like they belong, even if school isn’t your thing, you can still have fun and feel like you are a part of a strong and caring community.
We are really lucky to have had such amazing privileges as the senior students of the school, and it is something we all have greatly enjoyed. I know that Galilee is in a great set of hands next year based on the 2020 leadership speeches we heard last week.
A piece of advice for the future Year 6s; next year will be the best year of your school life, so enjoy every minute of it and make the most of it. Finally I would like to thank our year six teachers, Mrs Ferguson and Miss Biggs, Mr Millar, all of the staff and of course to all my fellow year sixes. Thank you for the wonderful year and all the best for the future.
Alex Cannard
Good evening everyone, my name is Ali and I am one of the 2019 School Captains of Galilee. It has been a very special time for the year 6s over the last few weeks as we prepare to leave Galilee. 2019 has been a year full of laughter, joy and opportunities. From soggy sandwiches at camp to fundraisers at school, 2019 had it all.
The year 5s should be very excited and should live in the moment of 2020 because all of a sudden it's term 4, week 10 and you won’t know where the year has gone. I am standing here making this speech, but can’t really believe it is all over!
During our 7 year journey at Galilee, friends have changed, new people have joined the Galilee community and some have left, but all remembered. We have had years full of amazing teachers, learning important skills and lots of fun along the way.
For me, saying goodbye to my buddies is going to be hard because they've been a big part of this year. People think that the Year six buddies help their preppies to settle in, while that is true, my buddies have helped me just as much if not more. If I need someone to play with or need a smile I'll just go to them. This year a ball hit my head and someone said, “Wait, I'll go get your prep buddy to help”. All the Year sixes have taken really good care of their prep buddies and have enjoyed that responsibility. We are now going to be the preppies in High School, but as Alex said, we have already been the preppies here and we did pretty ok and our preppies this year, well, I think they have done amazingly well settling in! So, I think we should be fine!
In November I went to my orientation day at my high school and was told that we will graduate from Year 12 in 2025! This really shocked me because that's only in 6 years and the last 7 years have flown by; well maybe not for our parents and carers! But it has for us! I still remember in prep, which feels like yesterday by the way, having my Galilee orientation day and Mrs Price introducing me to a girl that was so shy she would only whisper to a few different people. We became friends and I was the first person she talked to.
When I think of 2019, I think of fun and being confident. When I think of 2020, I think of making new friends, adapting to changes and learning new things. Last year, I didn't have any ounce of confidence but I do now. It is okay if something takes a while to get used to, in fact, in my first assembly whenever I was handed the microphone, I gave it straight to Alex. I wouldn't be talking to you today if I didn't take the risk and give it a go! So Year Fives, just give everything a go, even if it scares you!
We all have travelled on this seven year journey together, through the ups and downs and now today we can walk away knowing we have made lifelong friends and have a community that we will always be a part of. From just being the little preps, to today, the graduating class of 2019, we say goodbye to Galilee, leaving behind memories, teachers and friends. This is the next chapter of our schooling career and our lives.
I would like to give a huge thank you to Miss Biggs and Mrs Ferguson for supporting and caring for the Year Sixes, they were always there for us, no matter what, if we were unwell, had a loss in the family or if we were just upset. They always had our best interests at the front of their minds and consistently pushed us to be the best versions of ourselves. We leave them behind taking away many great lessons.
I would like to also thank all the teachers and LSO’s who have helped us throughout the years. Your care for us has helped to shape us into the people we have become today and we will be eternally grateful to you all.
Thank you to all the parents and guardians for taking care of us when we were sick, getting us ready for school and helping us with our troubles.
Before I end, Year fives, I want to remind you, like some Year sixes demonstrated this year, you don't have to get your preferred leadership role or any leadership role to be a leader so remember to always be a role model who leads by example no matter what.
I hope that all the Year sixes enjoy Secondary School and most of all have fun! Some may find leaving Galilee difficult but remember as Alex said, you are adaptable, independent and will settle in, just like you did here!
I think everyone here wishes, us the grade sixes, finishing Galilee class of 2019 and finishing Year 12 class of 2025 an amazing
amount of good luck for the future! Like Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
So, Year six, let's use it.
Ali Coburn
2020 Student Leadership
Congratulations to the Year 5s who have acquired a leadership role for next year:
- Digital Tech - Henry W, Spencer, Callum & Rory
- Social Justice - John-Paul, Ruby & Max L
- School Captains - Claire & Lucas
- Visual Arts - Mietta & Lachlan
- STEM - Abigail & Thomas
- Library - Remy, Max M, Anabel & Jacob
- Assembly - Willow & Eleni
- Italian - Joe & Chelsea
- Wellbeing - Tina, Isabella & Claudia
- Performing Arts - Max Mc, Kiera & Matilda
- Heart's Captains - John & Bonnie
- Carmel's Captains - Sophia & Zoe
- Saint's Captains - Loukas & Daniel
- Joey's Captains - Sadie & Patrick
2019 Awards
Congratulations to the following awards winners for 2019:
Parents Association: Siena M (Year 6)
Kiwanis: Ruby B (Year 2) & Claudia M (Year 5)
Carmelite: Bridget S (Year 6)
Maguire Scholarship: Bamlak T (Year 3), Sophie & Sammy R (Year 1), Daniele S (Year 2)
St Joseph's House Spirit: Dylan L (Year 6)
Galilee Scholarship: Milla A (Year 3)
Student Achievements
Abby in 6B had a dance concert on the 8th of December. The dances were themed about different countries around the world. One of Abby’s dance songs were The Circle Of Life. This was an African theme. Her costume was a leopard print leotard, skirt and feather head piece. Abby goes to Sheek Dance Studio and rehearsals are held at Port Phillip Specialist School. She attends Jazz on Mondays and Musical Theater on Tuesdays. In her Jazz classes there are 10 students and in her Musical Theater classes there are 12 students. She has been doing dance lessons for 3 years and has taken part in 5 concerts. Abby and one other person were awarded with the Performance award for performing amazingly. She really enjoyed it and had a great time!
Recently Dylan got asked to trial for Melbourne City Fc academy. He was even lucky enough to receive a contract. Melbourne City juniors train Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday during pre-season and train the exact same amount of hours during the season but with an extra session on Saturday morning. They train/play 48 games throughout the whole year. As well as playing and training with Melbourne City, they pay for all the expenses to go to a tournament in San Diego and most likely somewhere else around the world. He has already trained for about five weeks to this point and is excited for the new club and more training time. Good luck for this year in soccer.
Please see below some wonderful STEM projects from students in Prep E.
Last Thursday, the DOGS met at Meatworksco for their Christmas party. It was great to see so many dads present. Thank you to James McGann for organising the night.
Galilee Parents Association
At our final assembly I received an amazing gift from the Galilee Parents Association. A cheque written out for $40,479.00. This amount of money raised by a parent group in our community is unprecedented and we can’t wait to use it to directly help our students in many ways.
The GPA has worked tirelessly this year to raise this money from events including The Trivia Night, Welcome BBQ, Mother’s Day Lunch, Disco, Art Show, and Carols Night.
I cannot thank the outgoing committee enough, for not only the money raised, but the running and organisation of events that are inclusive and bring our community together.
I would like to give a big thanks to Annalise Woolley, Jess Conway, Emma Keating, Maureen Wetzel, Chelsea Carswell and the rest of the Parents Association for their tireless work and support of Galilee.
Transition to 2020 classes
Today, all students from Prep to Year 6 in 2020, participated in a Transition afternoon to their new classes. They met their new teacher and classmates, and engaged in various activities. The teachers and students are very excited to get to know each other in 2020.
Next year we welcome a new Speech Therapist, Brooke Perrin, and Occupational Therapist, Shelley Blignaut to Galilee.
Brooke is currently working at Peninsula Speech Plus and Voice Science providing individualised therapy for school aged children.
Shelley is currently working at Bestchance Family Services providing one to one and group therapy sessions with 0-10 year olds.
Year 6 Charity Stalls
On Friday the 13th of December, the Year Sixes ran a charity event in celebration of receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. When we made our Confirmation and received Gifts from the Holy Spirit we decided we wanted to give back to our community.
The charities that were represented on Friday were:
One Girl
Royal Childrens' Hospital - Cystic Fibrosis Unit
Port Melbourne Life Saving
4 Oceans
The Cathy Freeman foundation
Guide Dogs Victoria
The Lost Dogs
The Smith Family
The Year Sixes had lots of fun! Thank you to everyone that came to the stalls, it was a great experience! We really enjoyed giving back to the community! The Year Sixes raised over $1000! We could not have done this without the support of our Year Six teachers!
Bridget Slattery
Pictures below!
Goodbye From Mr Coaley!
As it is the last newsletter for the year, I thought I would take a few lines just to thank everyone for their kind wishes as I embark on a new adventure in 2020.
It is no surprise or secret that I love using computers with the students in class and so when the opportunity came up to lead and teach eLearning in East Brunswick in a full time position, I just couldn't say no!
I have had five fantastic years at Galilee, working with Year Sixes and Year Fours. In that time, I have also held several roles, including Camp Coordinator, OH&S and of course my favourite, eLearning Leader. I have worked with some amazing students and worked with some fantastic parent helpers; for which I will be eternally grateful.
When I first started off at Galilee, I was a Graduate Teacher, fresh out of ACU, offered employment by Mr Servello and working with Miss Hart. Fast forward five years and I feel very fortunate to have worked with Miss Giles this year under the Principalship of Mr Millar and working with Mr Martello towards our Masters of Leadership, back at ACU where it all began!
I would like to thank everyone; parents, teachers and students for their support throughout my time at Galilee. The school is lucky to have such a strong community that have rallied together in testing times this year. I ask everyone to maintain this caring and compassionate spirit into 2020 and beyond.
Finally, I want to wish Galilee nothing but happiness and success for the future; there are amazing times ahead for the school and I can't wait to see how the school transforms.
That's enough from me, but please feel free to keep in touch! I am sure we will all see each other again.
Joss Coaley
End of Term
Prep to Year 5 students will finish the school year tomorrow, Tuesday 17th December at 1.30pm. Please book for TheirCare's after school service if your child can not be collected by 1.30pm.
TheirCare will also be running services Wednesday 18th, Thursday 19th and Friday 20th December at Galilee.
Book now:
On Saturday 16th November Carmen Carnovale and Kingsley Hill were married at Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Middle Park. It was a wonderful day and they thank everyone for their well wishes.
Beginning of year reminders and important dates
All students will begin on Friday 31st January 2020. Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January will be testing days. Families will need to book in a time on the PTO site (coming soon) for a time slot on one of the days. Students do NOT need to come both days. Time slots will be for 45 minute sessions.
January 29 & 30
-Student testing days
January 31
-All students begin
-Welcome Morning Tea 9am
February 3
-School finishes 1:40pm
-Meet the Teacher 2-7pm
February 5
-Meet the Teacher 2-5pm
-Welcome Picnic 5-7pm
February 7
-Beginning of Year Mass 9:15am
-Year 4 Camp Parent Information Session 3pm
February 12-14
-Year 4 Angahook Camp
February 18-21
-Year 6 Canberra Camp
February 19
-Year 3 Family Reconciliation Faith Night 6pm
February 28
-Year 5 Camp Parent Information Session 3pm
March 2
-Preps begin full time
March 5 & 6
-School Closure Days
March 9
-Labour Day Holiday
March 11
-Open Day
March 12 & 19
-Classroom Helper Course
March 17-20
-Year 5 Merricks Camp
March 24
-School Photos
March 26
-Year 3 Sacrament of Reconciliation
March 27
-End of Term 1 1:30pm dismissal
End of Year Blessing
At the end of this school year we give thanks to God:
For all the teaching and learning that has taken place in our school, both in and out of the classroom.
For the talents and gifts that have been shared and the challenges that have been faced.
For the burdens that have been lifted and the hurts that have been healed.
For the respect and care that has been given. We give thanks for the friendships that have just begun and for those that have grown.
For the faith that has been lived in our daily struggles.
For the hope that has lifted our hearts on the dark days and for the love that has kept us going.
Bless our families as we take our holidays, may our time together leave us with memories to cherish. Pour out your love on us that we may return renewed and refreshed to continue our journey together . We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.
Simon Millar
Principal of Galilee