The Green Team

Alex Baxter & Elise Hawkins


Sustainability Team 

Green Team 

We have been exTREEmely busy in the Green Team over the past few weeks. Our Environment Leaders ran two really engaging sessions. With the new plastic bag ban at Woolies beginning last week, the students all decorated their own fabric or paper bag which they will be able to re-use again and again. 

With all the autumn leaves laying around the school, the Enviroment Leaders thought it would be a great opportunity to get the Green Team out and about, connecting with nature. They collected some leaves and then assembled them to create their own picture to take home. Just another idea to encourage children to find fun in the world outdoors. 

We have a winner! 

Thank you to all the students who participated in Microplastic May! The nurdles may be small, but you all made such a BIG difference to the health and future of our oceans. The person who collected the most nurdles in the month of May was.... Amber from 2S!

Congratulations Amber! We hope you enjoy your prize! If you missed out this time, don't worry. We will be running Nurdle November later in the year when the weather's a bit warmer so keep an eye out for this. 

Local Leader Grant 

Kingswood is a top 3 finalist to win the Local Leader Grant for our vertical garden idea! Thank you so much to everyone who voted for us. The winner will be announced by Peter Hitchener on Thursday the 26th of July.

Fingers crossed!

Kingswood Environment Week

Week 1 of Term 3 is Kingswood's Environment Week! To get the ball rolling, here are 11 plastic-free alternatives as suggested by WWF. Over the holidays, challenge yourself to make one little change to help the future of our planet.

Click here to see the easy swaps you can make. 

Recycling Oral Health Care Products

Kingswood has signed up for a program run by Colgate which allows our Oral Healthcare products to be recycled instead of being sent to landfill! We have placed a labelled box in the hall foyer where families can drop off any used oral care products including empty toothpaste tubes, old toothbrushes, floss containers and the outer cardboard packaging of toothpaste tubes (please flatten these). Many of these items can not normally be recycled and they end up in landfill, so we are very excited to offer our families a more sustainable way to dispose of this rubbish. By bringing in your oral health waste, you are also helping Kingswood to win a garden bed for the school, as Colagate is giving a prize to the school who collects the most waste. For more information, please click here.


You can also vote for Kingswood Primary School to win a garden bed here.

Plant a Tree Day

Kingswood has been invited to participate in Plant a Tree Day at Braeside Park on Saturday the 28th of July from 9am-12pm. We are very excited about this collaboration with the Friends of Braeside Park Group.


To find the event, follow the signs after entering the park. It will be a good opportunity to spend some time outside with your family and get involved with helping our local environment by planting native trees, grasses and shrubs.