Acting Principal

Aaron Cox 

Acting Principal

Learners as Thinkers Conference

For the second year Kingswood hosted our Learners as Thinkers conference. Kingswood again demonstrated that ‘We are leaders in education’. The conference was another huge success. I would like to congratulate Mrs Cramer for all her hard work in bringing the conference together over the past year. There is an enormous amount of work involved before and after the event. Kingswood is blessed to have such amazing staff who go above and beyond. There is no other government school in Victoria that does what we do. This is a testament to the teachers and ‘thriving in a team culture’ .

From the conference our teachers were exposed to best practices in teaching 'Thinking'. We had international and nationally acclaimed presenters supported by our very own staff presenting a number of workshops. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Miss Herbert, Miss Sheppard, Ms Morgan, Mr Woolfe and Mr Wall for presenting on the big day.

On the 10th August, we will host our 7th annual STEAM Conference which also delivers high quality professional learning, not only for our teachers, but for and teachers from across the state.

Farewell Mr Mirabella

I would like to thank Mr Mirabella for all the hard work he has done at Kingswood. Mr Mirabella leaves us to take up family duties at home. We collectively wish him all the best for the future, and he knows he is always welcome back at Kingswood. Mrs Cooper from 3S will take over 4M for the remainder of the year. This was a strategic decision to keep disruption to a minimum. I would like to thank Mrs Cooper for being flexible and working longer than her contracted time.

New Parking Regulations Term 3

There will be new parking out the front of the school from the beginning of Term 3. We will provide parents with information before the term starts and will be out the front to help marshall traffic for the first few weeks.

Parents can help us by respecting the rules. If we work together as a community this will hopefully ease some of the congestion at the front of the school. 

Harvard University 

Mr Halpin, Mrs Cramer and I will head off during the holidays to study at Harvard in Boston. We will return at the beginning of Week 2. We will be studying an intensive course called Project Zero Classroom (PZC). Kingswood is recognised as a school of excellence in the field of thinking and over the years more than 11 staff have directly studied at Harvard in Boston. When we return we will be sharing our learning with the rest of the staff. Whilst we are away Mr Bennett will be the Acting, Acting Principal July 16th-23rd.

Holiday Projects

Over the break a number of jobs will occur at school:

  1. Concrete should be laid between the bike shed and Unit I
  2. New cleaners will be onsite preparing the school for Term 3
  3. A new entrance to the administration building including ramp for the disabled
  4. 2 ramps installed on units H and L
  5. Turf cleaning

End of Term

Congratulations everyone on a wonderful Term 2. Even with Rosemary Cosentino’s departure the school has just hummed along like a well oiled machine. I hope everyone has a safe and fun filled break before returning to a hectic Term 3. Encourage children to play outside with others and keep screen time to a minimum. We will see you back at Kingswood on Monday 16th July.