Year 9 Humanities

Courage to Care

On Thursday 12 September, a Year 9 Humanities class attended the program Courage to Care at Notre Dame University in Fremantle. The program informs and educates young Australians about the dangers of prejudice, racism and discrimination. Starting from the Holocaust experience, and exploring different forms of discrimination and social division, the excursion provided students with an understanding of social justice.


A stunning sunny day allowed the group to gather comfortably on the grass of Fremantle Esplanade and have some stretching time! Then we walked to Notre Dame. At the end of the program, we returned to the Esplanade for lunch, but not before visiting Moore and Moore Art Gallery. The group appreciated the artworks displayed on the walls, representing Australian wilderness. After lunch on the Esplanade, we made a brief stop at the icecream shop before hopping on the College bus to return to school.


The following are some thoughts of the Year 9 Humanities Extension class in regard to the significance of this excursion:


“Courage to Care relates to RU OK Day, as it explored issues of upstanders show courage and empathy towards those who are struggling. Normal people are capable of doing good, helping someone in a situation of being bullied or being hurt. Learning of people’s stories gave us an insight on what their families went through. I have learnt by helping someone we don’t have to put ourselves in danger, but we can talk about it instead.”                                                                     Miah Homes - K7


“The program brings teenagers to understand and recognise the importance of initiative in helping others. To not be a bystander in something unfair or unjust.”                                  Phoebe van Heiningen - K7


“Courage to Care was really eye opening about the injustice of the Holocaust and the importance of Social Justice. It showed that to be an upstanders rather than bystander.”                                  Kathleen Porter - M1


“Today we learnt about discrimination, racism and the consequences of words and attitudes. An important message was to  be aware that you don’t have to save the world, just small deeds that help make positive changes.”                                                                                            Ciara McLean - X3


“A fantastic educational experience! Courage to Care gave us an insight on the lives of ordinary people that helped Jews because of the care and love inside their hearts. If we do small things to help others, the world would be a better place.”                                                                    Ann Sibbi - M4


“An amazing experience! At Notre Dame University we learnt to stand up and care!”                                                             Maleesha Meegamarachchi - X4


“I think the excursion was a good opportunity to learn about social justice from the point of view of Jews during World War Two. I think some aspects of the program should be made more engaging for students of our Year level. Overall, the presentation made me think of reasons and consequences of Adolf Hitler’s actions on Jews.”      

                                                                                                                 Bob Watson - K5


“We got to learn about individuals and many families that had the courage to care for those facing injustice, pulling their own lives at risk. The Courage to Care excursion was very enjoyable.”         

Nishu Chalisey  - P7


“We learnt about the courage some people had during World War Two to protect, feed and hide persecuted Jews. After watching a video, we got into small groups and used interactive material. It was amazing to know how a small act of courage can do amazing things.”

Isabella Hancock - X2


“We learnt about stereotypes and how many Germans during World War Two weren’t like the Nazi and had the courage to care. I think other students should also do this program.”                          Varun Shivnani -  M6


“Being an upstander is better than a bystander. After watching a video on the Holocaust, in small groups we talked about the importance of being brave enough to help others.”                                           Subriti Bhandari - M7


“The Courage to Care programme was very insightful and opened up a different perspective on the term ‘social justice’. This excursion informed me on the destruction that World War two caused, and the impact it had on Jews around the world. It exposed me to the idea that ordinary people can do extraordinary deeds. This can link to Are You OK today, s we can make someone feel better, by caring and just asking ‘Are you OK?’                                                                                                    Shannette Ndossi - M1


A particular thanks to Mrs Silva who drove the College bus and assisted with supervision. We both agree all students displayed an outstanding behaviour and represented our College community at very high standards.


Dr A Runco (Head of Learning Area - HASS)