Local Connections

The online application portal for Year 7 2022 will open on Thursday 13 February, as will the opportunity to book into one of the eight tours we will conduct over a range of dates from March to August 2020.
Families can access the portal via: www.starmelb.catholic.edu.au
- There is an enrolment icon on the front page and a large notice will be placed on the lower right of the landing page.
- the enrolment icon will always be on the home page for visitors to our website, the notices area on the lower right will change from time to time.
Families are encouraged to read the enrolment pages of the website carefully, in particular:
- Enrolment Criteria for Year 7 entry
- Enrolment Policy
- Key Dates
The application to enrol web portal will close on Friday 21 August 2020 - it will have been open for 6 months. All applications will be reviewed after the close of the portal according to the Year 7 enrolment criteria on our website.
If there are any questions or concerns, please direct your families to registrar@starmellb.catholic.edu.au or to call the College on 9595 9595 and ask for the Registrar.