Learning and Teaching

Term 1 Overviews
Please take some time to read over the Term 1 Overviews. The Overviews contain information regarding the learning that will occur in each year level and Specialist classes this term. We have published the Overviews on our School Website so that you can refer to them throughout the term. The Term Overviews will be published on the website and in the newsletter at the beginning of each term.
Year 3 News
Maths in Year 3
We have been learning about data in Maths. We recorded data about ourselves on a bioglyph using special symbols. Then we used this data to make statements about the class.
We found out:
No one in 3L has green eyes (Christian)
Sixteen people in 3M have brown eyes (Oliver)
There are even amount of boys and girls in 3L if you count Mrs Latto (Immi)
Twenty people in 3M are on a sports team (Luke)
Three people in 3L have hazel eyes (Willow)
Fifteen people in 3M love science (Clodagh)
Eleven people in 3L have brown eyes (Camilla)
Twelve people in 3L like colours that are not red, blue, green, and purple (Ethan C)
Fourteen people in 3L are in a sports club in 3L (Zach G)
We then graphed our data on bar charts and focused on labeling the x and y axes and making sure our scales were even.
Surf Life Saving Excursion
Last Friday Years 3 and 4 travelled to Sandridge Beach to participate in a Surf Life Saving excursion. The students were very excited and began the day learning about CPR, specifically DRSABCD, and beach dangers. They then participated in three water-based activities in which they learnt what to do and what not to do in order to assist people in the water.
These activities were; board rescue in which students used a board to save a buddy in the water and paddle back to shore with them, life jackets in which students learnt what to do if a boat sank and they were required to use life jackets in the water as well as saving people with beach objects. In this activity students learnt how to use everyday objects we would take to the beach to save a person in the water.
Harry: It was a really good day because we got to go to the beach to do surf lifesaving.
Immi: It was very fun because we got to swim in the water and learn what to do to help others and ourselves in the water.
Year 6 Leaders
Well, a new year has begun, which means we have new school leaders! Let us introduce ourselves!
School Captains
Hi, I am Lucas and I am Claire, and we are your School Captains for 2020! Our job this year is to make sure each and every one of you have an amazing year at Galilee. This year we will be running assemblies, representing the school at events and checking in on everyone to make sure they are having a great time at school. We want to thank the 2019 School Captains; Ali and Alex, who encouraged us to take a chance and apply for this role. We look forward to seeing you around and remember, ‘The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.’
Social Justice Leaders
Hi Galilee! I am Ruby, I am John-Paul and I am Max, and we are your 2020 Social Justice Leaders. We will be working alongside Mrs Rochecouste this year. We will be helping with masses, food and toy drives and all the things that make Galilee great! We are all looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!
Wellbeing Leaders
Hi everyone, I am Claudia, I am Tina and I am Isabela and we are your 2020 Wellbeing Leaders. We are so excited to make sure that everyone at Galilee feels safe, appreciated and included. We will be in the yard to help you with any problems. We will also be helping and reminding teachers to keep their first aid bags topped up so playtime is as safe as possible! See you in the yard!
Performing Arts Leaders
Hi, I’m Kiera, I am Max and I’m Matilda and we are your 2020 Performing Arts Leaders. Well Galilee, this year is a big one. It is our musical!!! We are so excited to be a part of this amazing event! We will be working closely with Ms Carnovale helping out in any way we can. We will also be promoting the choir and other performing arts related things. We hope you are all ready for a fun year!
Visual Art Leaders
Hi, I am Mietta and I am Lachlan. We are the 2020 Visual Arts leaders. We will be helping Mrs Orr this year to make sure the Art room is kept tidy and ready for class and also helping out for our amazing annual Art Show. We are looking forward to another wonderful year filled with colour!
STEM Leaders
Hello everyone, we are your 2020 STEM leaders. I am Abigail and I am Thomas. We will be helping to organise a Galilee market day, keep an eye on our recycling and turning off lights when they are not in use. We are very passionate about STEM and would love if anyone has any additional ideas to please come see us!
Assembly Leaders
Hi, I am Willow and I am Eleni. We are the 2020 Assembly Leaders. This is a new role in the school this year, but one we badly needed. We make sure all year levels are seated in the correct spot, we organise the chairs for the teachers, parents, carers and guests. We also act as a runner during assembly if any messages are needed to be told to our School Captains. We are really excited for the year to come and look forward to seeing you each Wednesday.
Library Leaders
Hello Galilee, My name is Max, my name is Anabel, my name is Remy and my name is Jacob. We are your 2020 Library Leaders. We are really excited to help keep the library neat and tidy this year. We will also be helping out with Book Club and Book Week. If you have any additional ideas for us, please come see us!
Digital Technology Leaders
Hi, we are Callum, Rory, Henry and Spencer and we are your 2020 Digital Technology Leaders. As you all know, we run the assemblies and masses. We also help out with any digital technology issues around the school, so remember if you need some help with your chromebooks, we are your guys!
Italian Leaders
Hi, my name is Joe and my name is Chelsea and we are your Italian Leaders for 2020. We are both really excited to get you all excited about Italian. We are hoping to start an Italian club this year at lunchtime, so if you love the language come see us! Arriverderci!
Sports Captains
Hi Galilee! We are Daniel, John, Loukas, Patrick, Sadie, Bonnie, Sophia and Zoe! Yes, there are 8 of us!!! We are your 2020 Sports Captains! We are super excited about this year. We are going to be helping you in the yard by putting out the nets to keep you safe, supplying sports equipment and of course raising house spirit! We cannot wait for all the amazing events we have coming up this year! See you at recess and lunch!
Social Justice Year Six Representatives
Hi, we are Atem and William and we are the Year Six Social Justice Representatives. We were so excited to be elected for this year by our class! We will be working closely with the Social Justice Leaders and Mrs Rochecouste to make sure Galilee is doing amazing things for its community. We look forward to working with you all this year.