Education in Faith

Beginning of Year/ Commissioning Mass
Last Friday February 7 Galilee students from Years 1-6, staff, parents and caregivers came together as a school community to pray as we started a new school year. We were reminded about the new friends that we will make, the new things that we will learn and the exciting opportunities that will happen this year. We were reminded to always do the best we can, and to use the special talents and gifts that God has given us. The mass included a Commissioning of the school staff, student leaders and parents/caregivers as they pledged their service in 2020. It was a wonderful start to the year.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is one of the Sacraments of healing and restoration. It celebrates the endlessly forgiving mercy of God and the change of heart of all those who turn back to God after sin. Many of our Year 3 students will be in the process of enrolling to make their First Reconciliation later this term. The dates for preparation and the celebrations for Our Lady of Mount Carmel (OLMC), Middle Park and StsPP, South Melbourne are as follows:
- Tuesday 11th February - 6pm Reconciliation Faith Night for Parents and Students at Galilee in the hall
- Tuesday 11th February – 7-7:20pm StsPP Parent Only Information Session in the Galilee staffroom
- Tuesday 11 February - 7.30pm OLMC Parent Only Information Session in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms
- Saturday 15 February - 4.30pm Preparation Session #1 in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual at OLMC
- Thursday 20 February – 3:40-4:15pm - StsPP Preparation Session #1 in the parish hall
- Saturday 22 February - 4.30pm Preparation Session #2 in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual at OLMC
- Thursday 27 February – 3:40-4:15pm - StsPP Preparation Session #2 in the parish hall
- Saturday 29 February - 4.30pm Preparation Session #3 in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual at OLMC
- Thursday 5 March – 3:40-4:15pm - StsPP Preparation Session #3 in the parish hall
- Saturday 7 March - 4.30pm Preparation Session #4 in the O’Connor/Pilkington Rooms followed by 6.00pm Mass Ritual at OLMC
- Thursday 12 March – 3:40-4:15pm - StsPP Preparation Session #4 in the parish hall
- Monday 16th March - Reflection Day at Galilee School - 8.50 - 3.25pm
- Wednesday 18 March - 7.00pm - Sacrament of Reconciliation OLMC
- Thursday 26 March - 6:00pm-Sacrament of Reconciliation-SPP
Reconciliation Family Faith Night
The Family Faith Night for Reconciliation was a wonderful event with a massive turn out of our Galilee families learning about the Sacrament. It was wonderful seeing parents and children deepening their knowledge and faith.
A Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates
Loving God help us to teach our children that you love totally and unconditionally. Help us to encourage our children to grow in love and to learn how to take responsibility for their words and actions, knowing that you always forgive. Assist us to pray with our children and to share our faith with them as we journey together. Guide us as we model your love in the world.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Upcoming Dates
17 March: St Patrick’s Day at the Cathedral (School Captains with SJ leaders) - all day
25 March: Stations of the Cross - Galilee: 2:30pm (Assembly) - (All grades)
Isaiah 40:30-31
30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
What are you and your family hoping for this year? Commit it to the Lord and allow Him to work miracles in your lives. May you and your family soar this year stepping into everything God has for you all!
Helen Rochecouste