Principal's Report

Dear Families
Last week we commenced our first full week of the new school year at Galilee Regional Catholic Primary School. A special welcome to all of the new Preps who have begun their formal education. It has been wonderful to hear of the students’ holiday adventures and glad that everyone has returned safely. It has been an exciting start to 2020 with all classes settling into routines and I congratulate the staff for their efforts to build a rapport with the students. Congratulations to our senior students who are taking on more responsibility and already displaying their excellent leadership qualities by being role models to our younger students on the yard.
In 2020, our main school wide improvement focus will be on data, specifically collecting and analysing to improve student learning.
We will continue to have uninterrupted blocks of learning, especially in Literacy and Maths, and staffing for Classroom support in these learning areas will also continue.
Students will continue to be empowered in developing leadership qualities through SRC and Social Justice and our Year 5's will participate in Speak with Power later in the year, to assist in developing public speaking skills.
With the direction of our Parents Association, Classroom Reps and Community Partnerships Leader Miss Carnovale, we will continue to focus on increasing the connection with parents and local community through the various school events organised for this year.
On behalf of the staff at Galilee, we hope you all have a happy and healthy 2020 school year.
Meet the Teacher
The teachers have found the process of meeting with parents/guardians very helpful in getting to know your children. While teachers work hard at getting to know their students, meeting with the parents quickens this process, often leading to increased learning and a decrease in wellbeing issues. Please remember to be in regular contact with your child’s teacher and inform them of any concerns or successes as the need arises.
If you were unable to attend Meet the Teacher last week, please contact your child's teacher to organise a meeting time.
Welcome Evening
Last Wednesday we celebrated the beginning of the new school year at the Welcome Evening. It was fantastic to see so many families attend and enjoy an evening of socialising with other families and staff. Thank you to the new members of the P&F: Anastasia Kritikos (Henry Yr 3), Danielle Gordon (Noah Yr 6, Sierra Yr 2) and Peta Langford (Lachlan Yr 3) and Carmen Carnovale for organising the food trucks, drink stalls and jumping castle.
Beginning of Year School Mass
Thank you to Mrs Helen Rochecouste for planning the Beginning of Year Mass where staff, students and parents were commissioned into the new school year. Well done to all the students for their participation and responding reverently, and to Miss Carnovale and the choir for leading the music.
Surf Life Saving
Last Friday, the Year 3 and 4 students participated in a Surf Life Saving excursion at Sandridge beach. The students learnt about beach water safety and how to help others experiencing difficulty in the water. For more details read the Learning and Teaching page.
School Camps
Our Year 4 students were very excited to be going on Camp Angahook in Anglesea yesterday Wednesday 12 Feb - Friday 14 Feb. They will be participating in fun, challenging activities that will encourage teamwork and develop problem solving skills, such as a low ropes course, archery, hut building and canoeing. Thank you to the staff who are in attendance, Brighid Fahy, Dave McLeish, Bianca Latto, Simon Millar, Bianca Trewhella and Jack Sandow.
Next Tuesday 18 February, the Year 6 students and their teachers, along with Danielle Gerecke, Kingsley Hill and Tegan Stuart will be flying to Canberra for a three night camp.
The Year 5 students will be headed to Merricks on March 17-March 20.
Year Three students will attend the Zoo Snooze:
3L - October 29/30
3M - November 5/6
Over the past week we have been tracking the air quality in Canberra and the state of the fires in NSW. After recent consultation with Catholic Education Melbourne and other relevant bodies, we have decided that it is safe for our staff and students to proceed as planned on their camp to Canberra next week. We will continue to closely monitor the conditions.
Mr Millar has been in contact with other school principals who are also sending their staff and students to Canberra in the upcoming weeks and they have collectively decided to proceed as planned.
This is also a reminder to, if you have not done so already, please provide the office with an updated Vaccination Record by no later than Thursday this week, as per communication sent from the school office.
We look forward to all students attending this unique and educational experience. The camp directly links to our STEM unit that is based on the Australian Government, and it is extremely beneficial to the academic and social learning of the students throughout 2020.
Please note that this message was sent yesterday to Year 6 parents on DOJO.
Mary Poppins Jr
Musical auditions for Mary Poppins Jr continued this week and students in Years 4-6 will be contacted soon for call back auditions.
Book Club
The first edition of the Scholastic Book Club is due in tomorrow. Orders need to be done online and the website can be found on the order form.
Teeth on Wheels
The mobile dentist, Teeth on Wheels will be visiting our school tomorrow and next Friday February 21. Consent forms were sent home last week.
PE timetable change
There are no PE lessons next week. Students can still wear their Sport Uniform on Friday.
Mrs Linda Florenca-Grillo will be on leave until the end of February and will resume/commence Reading Recovery sessions in March.
SRC and Social Justice Leaders
Leadership is a quality that all students at Galilee are encouraged and supported to develop. Students from Prep to Year 6 are all encouraged to see themselves as leaders by taking on the role of leaders of their own learning. Through the curriculum and extra curricula activities that we offer at school, all students are given opportunities to develop the skills necessary to be a leader. This ensures that students perceive themselves as leaders and have confidence to take on leadership roles.
The Student Representative Council will focus on giving our students an authentic voice within the school.
SRC Leader will represent their class by:
- attending weekly SRC meetings
- leading a weekly class meeting
- listening and acting on suggestions offered by their classmates
There will be two different SRC leaders for each class this year, one per Semester.
Our Social Justice Leaders will work together to help those in need within the school, local or international community.
Social Justice Leader will represent their class by:
- attending Social Justice meetings when required
- assist in planning and implementing actions to help those in need
- share ideas and suggestions from their classmates and report back to their class after each Social Justice meeting
Our newly elected SRC and Social Justice Leaders were introduced to the school community at assembly on Wednesday.
Congratulations to the following students:
SRC Leaders
1B-George C
1C-Ella V
1S-Jay B
2C-Matteo L
2E-Vanessa L
3L-Ethan C
3M-Tomasz P
4F-Thomas G
4M-Daniela M
5H-Silvana M
5R-Charlie S
6B-Henry W
6F-Joe T
Social Justice Leaders
1B-Lila D
1C-Darcie M
1S-Jessica S
2C-Lola C
2E-Deng A
3L-Ethan J
3M-Henry L
4F-Cooper S
4M-Harrison F
5H-Violet S
5R-Sienna K
6B-William H
6F-Atem A
Simon Millar
Principal of Galilee