Library Corner

2019 has kicked off with a burst of positive energy. The Library Team has welcomed a new Librarian, Ms Sherri Michael and farewelled Ms Karys McEwen. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Ms McEwen for her tireless effort in promoting reading for pleasure and information skills.


The opportunity for holiday reading was taken up at the end of last year with high loans experienced during the last week of the 2018 school year. This is a timely opportunity to remind students to clear out wardrobes, cupboards, bookshelves and bags so that any outstanding library items can be returned. The previous schedule of overdue email notifications continues and students have already received reminder notices and overdue notices.


Homework Help continues on a fortnightly basis, with this year’s first session being held on Tuesday 5th February. It was pleasing to see many students availing themselves of tutoring assistance.


Likewise the first Library Monitors meeting was convened on Wednesday 6th February during which Abigail Staples was elected Library Captain for 2019. Monitors were introduced to their role and began preparations for Library Lovers’ Day in earnest.


Library Lovers’ Day will be celebrated on February 14th with romance fiction and chocolates on offer for lucky borrowers. Other special events will be celebrated throughout the year.

Book Club members have enjoyed their first meeting for the year and shared their holiday reading favourites. They have a host of activities and events to look forward to this year, building on the wonderful foundation established by Ms Karys McEwen.


At present the library shelves are bursting with hard to fit books. Students are invited to continue borrowing outside of their classroom wider reading programmes. With a broad range of formats and genres - biography, fantasy, romance, adventure, graphic novels, manga, general interest nonfiction - students are encouraged to browse and borrow during the library’s opening hours which are unchanged from last year:


Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 4:30pm


Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm


The library is open at Recess to Year 12 students and Library Monitors only


Lunchtime opening from 1:00pm onwards (Closed to general access during the fortnightly Book Club meetings)


Sherri Michael

College Librarian