Principal's Report

If no mistake you have made, but losing you are. A different game you should play.

Yoda, Jedi Master  896BBY-4ABY


Welcome one and all.

Firstly, you have my apologies for the delay in the release of the first newsletter for the year. There are various reasons for that but we'll be back on track by Week 6.  Can I express our gratitude to all of our returning families for your continued faith in the vision of what we, together, are trying to develop and build here at Uralla Central School for all of our students. To all of our new families, welcome to our school and if you are new to the area, welcome to our community.

I mentioned to many Kindergarten Rubies parents that their children are the graduating class of 2031. We are hopeful that all of them are part of that class at Uralla Central School. It will be interesting to see what exactly graduation in 2031 looks like - the whole educational landscape is changing or under the potential promise of change. Later this year we can expect the release of the outcomes and recommendations of the review into curriculum in New South Wales - I think that there can only be one certainty and that will be that there will be recommendations for change. The schools that all of us went to whether that be Uralla Central School or somewhere else are not what they were when we attended even if it might look so from the outside looking in.

As a parent or carer if you come into our school or any school expecting to see things being done the way they were when you went to school then you will be disappointed. They probably haven't been done that way for a long time and they are unlikely to ever return to that way of doing things.

That, of course, is as it should be. Our job is to prepare our students for their tomorrows not mine or yours. Those Rubies students can expect to retire in around 2083 - who can know what the world and society will be like then?

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Martin Luther King Jr (1929-1968)


I can, very happily report that we have had an increase in enrolments and this will have a small flow on effect on resources and staffing, we expect  to see the official outcome in the next week. In the meantime I reinforce that Jenny Richards remains on leave pending retirement, Mark Wittig is also on leave pending retirement. Dan Williams has taken on the role of Curriculum Advisor in the Armidale Office for Term One. Greg Wood will relieve as Head of Senior School in Mark's absence and Sarah Target will relieve as Head of Middle School. We are in the process of employing a new Head of Wellbeing and Bruce Nield will establish a new role around Curriculum Design and Innovation.

I also welcome Steph Looker, Dylan Smith and Nathan Elbourne to the teaching staff, all of whom have settled in spectacularly and are making a very positive impact on student learning.

We will continue to strive to create the best learning environment we can for our students and to ensure that we meet the Department of Education target of ensuring that every student is 'Known, valued and cared for'. That said we would value your ongoing support in counter-acting negative statements about our school when you hear them, especially when you know them to be inaccurate. I heard the following just recently - 'If you want to be a shearer go to Uralla Central School. If you want an education go to Armidale.' This is an extremely disappointing statement on a number of levels. Firstly, it implies that being a shearer is an occupation not to be valued which is just offensive. Secondly, it implies that our school is second rate. The problem is that there are no facts to support the statement. We are like any school - children say and do things to each other that we would rather they didn't; but I can with confidence plainly state that we do not teach violence and aggression either verbal or physical and we do our best to stamp it out when it occurs. I can also state with confidence that the education that your child can get at our school is the equal of anywhere else. We support parents right to choose where their children are educated but there is no evidence to support that paying lots of money in either the Catholic or Independent system achieves a better education - all that can truly be stated is that you will get a range of somewhat different experiences.

So we look forward to another fantastic year, where students achieve at their personal best, where our school improvement projects continue and our enrolments continue to grow and where all of us not only stand tall and walk proud but ASPIRE!

The capacity to learn is a gift;

The ability to learn is a skill;

The willingness to learn is a choice.

Frank Herbert (1920-1986) Author of Dune