Pastoral Care News

Ronald Reagan said “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” This week through acts of kindness and generosity the community of MCC; students and staff alike, demonstrated two of the key elements from our vision and mission statement; care and service.


Led by some our year 10 students and supported by some local business the MCC community raised funds to support the Marela family following the recent loss of their young son. The family are in our thoughts and prayers and we hope that this financial contribution will ease some of their burden during such a sad time.


Today staff joined together to acknowledge and celebrate “Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea” raising much needed funds to support the Cancer Council of Australia and the work that they do. Staff were invited to light a candle in remembrance of someone and we joined together in prayer to remember those who have lost the battle, those still fighting and for their friends and family. A continuous raffle and a cake auction of extraordinary culinary masterpieces increased the total amount of donations for the day to $1210. Thank you to all staff who contributed and donated to make the event such a successful.

Finally, next week the C.A.T launch their major charity activity for the term

ICare Kits


Term 2 always focuses on homelessness and as a school community we work together in a collaborative manner to create kits for people who are at risk of; or who find themselves homeless. 

The kits are donated to Linking Community Networks who manage both the women's refuge and youth links. The service also works closely with a local facility which houses males who also find themselves homeless.

It would be greatly appreciated if students could possibly donate the following item from the list according to their year level.


As the name suggests these kits symbolise that someone does indeed care.

Students are asked to bring donated items to their homeroom where they will be collected by a COMMUNITY ACTION TEAM member.

Collections will take place Monday 3rd June to Friday 21st June

Thank you for your continued support for those less fortunate or experiencing personal hardship within our community.

Ms Sue Hone 

Pastoral Care Worker