Director of Mission

May I start by saying on this day I recognise and pay my respects to the stolen generations. Recognition is the first steps to reconciliation.

“The recognition of past wrongs in Australia has been described as 'the test we've always failed'. National Sorry Day recognises the negative impact of Australian policies, practices and attitudes on Indigenous people.”

Mission Conference- One Heart Many Voices

I was fortunate enough to attend the premier event on mission last week for three days in Sydney. The event offers a unique opportunity to listen, converse and experience the many and diverse voices that are an expression of the one heart of mission. Above all, the conference is a time to read the signs of the time with an aim of affirming what we do well, nurturing our growth and rethink and reformulate how we effectively live and lead mission today and tomorrow. We were challenged with what is mission in our college. Is our mission healthy? The lectures were insightful and positive around the necessary change in the church. A church that welcomes all and is led by all is the message I received. Amongst great like-minded people in spirit, the moment of reflection was offered to pause and see how MCC is going with our mission. Our vision is “a vibrant faith community engaging with Jesus and his message.” You will only need to read the beautiful words of Sue Hone in her pastoral section that highlights the work that is done here at Marian. I have said it once and I will say it until I am blue in the face, we are a college that cares. Marian has a mission and a church and it is beating alive and well amongst our students. It is evident through our ‘mission moments’ that this truly the case. 

Mission Moments

Mission at MCC is about creating a kingdom of kindness and compassion built around the five values of service, care, faith, learning and stewardship. I will continue to try and highlight these moments when I feel we have seen staff and students reach out to the margins and draw people into the MCC community.

Project Compassion has officially raised $3300 for 2019. This is an unbelievable effort for Marian and once again smashing last years effort of $2700. This will make real change across the world that started right here in our homerooms.


Due to the effort of some of our Year 10 girls over the last two weeks we have seen a very generous donation towards the Marela family to assist with their tragic loss. Student asked if they could respond to the needs of the community and were wholeheartedly supported by Marian as they sold donuts at our Athletics carnival and then held a bake sale the following Monday. Many students happy to offer money for nothing in return. This is the beating heart of Marian.

Generosity and love grows more of the same and once again the beautiful owners of the Griffith Donut King, kindly donated donuts to help with the cause. Their efforts allowed us to give more to the cause and news of their kindness created a domino effect for staff and students. We can not thank them enough.

Marian Feast Day

Today we celebrated Marian Day and for the first time we were able to have representatives of both of our founding charisms present here for our Mass. Acting National Director John Robinson represented the Marist Brothers and Sister Tricia and Sister Theresa represented the Mercy Sisters. Both were asked to speak about their connection to the college and Sister Tricia spoke around the ‘cost’ of Catholic Education. The cost meaning, the efforts of people In the past and present that allows us the privilege to sit and be educated in such a great school. The love of staff, students, parents and community that make it all possible. It was a great reminder of how lucky we are here at Marian. I would like to thank them for their presence today and as you can see in the photo below of the impact they are making with our students. They are very much apart of everything we do here at Marian.

St Brendan's Day

Lastly, Marian has made extra effort in 2019 to promote the house saints of our College. The day before our Athletics Carnival was St Brendan’s Day and they raised awareness by holding a hot chip day and started the day with a prayer. It has also seen the houses purchase specific shirts to promote ‘house pride’. This drive was started by Marcellin and now all staff have their own house shirts. Brendan was no different and with their new tag line “Lets make Brendan great again!” and new shirts, they still managed to struggle to be on the right side of the leaders board. Hence adopting the new motto created by Mr Rizzeri “There’s always next year.”


That concludes this weeks newsletter. Once again I remind you “We must strive to do ordinary things extraordinarily well”

Have a great weekend.

Heath Neville

Director of Mission