Message from Rhonda Fletcher

                                                                                            Welcome back to school for Term 2. We hope that you had a good Easter break and school holiday period. The students have returned to school ready to learn and have settled back in to school routine.


I am so pleased to have now been appointed as the Principal at Dandenong Valley SDS. I look forward to working with the school community to achieve the best learning outcomes for our students. Please come and say hello if you come to the school with your child.



Staff Absences

Due to illness we have had quite a number of staff away and this will continue over the colder months. We are having some difficulty replacing staff so there may be times when your child does not have one or more of their regular staff in their classroom or need to be in another classroom for the day. We will always try to place your child in an appropriate room for their age and level of need if they are in a different room.



Student Illness

This is a reminder to please keep children home if they are sick. The school will always call you to come and pick up your child if they are sick to try and prevent the spread of illness across the school.



