What's happening in the classrooms

The Middle School students have been working passionately over the last two weeks as they moved into their ‘producing’ phase for many of their learning areas.

In Literacy and Inquiry, students have gathered research about Australian Settlement and used this new knowledge to plan, draft and publish a Historical Narrative from the perspective of someone who may have travelled here to Australia on the First Fleet in 1788. Students in Year 3/4 focused on carefully handwriting their Narrative and then typing out a digital copy using Google Docs which was then printed and used to present their writing to the rest of the class. As part of this process, they also read out their written work in front of their Middle School peers and displayed respect and trust towards one another when giving and receiving constructive feedback.


In Religious Education, students participated in planning, organising and setting up a Forgiveness themed prayer space in the classroom which they then presented to the rest of the students and teachers within the school. This helped students to think deeply about their Big Question for Religious Education ‘How do I strengthen my relationship with God and others?’ For this experience, they needed to welcome guests into the space to gather, listen, respond and go forth in prayer. All visitors noted how the prayer spaces gave them a great way, through scripture, song and prayer, to reflect on forgiveness and healing in their own lives. Many of their peers also noted how creative and thoughtful the students had been in creating such an inviting and engaging environment.


In Maths students are learning to tell the time in many different ways, through dates on calendars and hours and minutes on a clock. They have been closely investigating the features of an analogue clock with the hour, minute and second hands, intervals which represent the 60 seconds in a minute, and 60 minutes in an hour, and numbers which represent 12 hours. Students have been able to practice reading time daily on analogue and digital clocks and matching these times to events that happen throughout the school day on our daily timetable, for example: The time is 11:00am, and at this time I begin eating my lunch at school.


It has been a very busy and exciting term in Year 3/4 and we anticipate many fun filled learning experiences next term with camps, incursions and Sacramental programs to look forward to. Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter and a safe holiday break!


Miss Marnie Newbound

3/4 Teacher