Stay in touch

Communication during Remote Learning

We thank our families who have been staying up to date and in touch during this time. We know we have been asking a lot of you: there is detailed information to digest, and it is sometimes rapidly changing. We want to make sure that you know what we do, as soon as possible. So thank you for your efforts. Please continue to monitor our communications. 


If you have not yet read them already, essential information to read is:

  1. Remote Learning Plan overview
  2. Remote Learning step-by-step instructions for students
  3. Remote Learning Shared Expectations for students, teachers and parents
  4. Remote Learning advice for VCE students (as applicable)


How do we communicate?

A reminder that, during this time:

  • Our primary communication tool is Compass Newsfeed. Daily updates are being sent at the moment. You are notified of a Newsfeed update via email and, if you have the Compass app installed on your phone (and notifications activated), via app notification. It is vital that you keep reading these Newsfeeds.
  • Information and links for longer-term reference, as well as 'how-to' guides and other support resources, are stored on the Remote Learning Page of myNorthcoteHigh.
  • Students and parents can email teachers directly through Compass if they have specific questions that are not answered in the Newsfeed or myNorthcoteHigh information.
  • The school office is also working remotely and cannot be contacted by phone. Enquiries are best emailed directly to the relevant staff member. If you are not sure who that is, please email

If you have forgotten your Compass login details (use the same for access to myNorthcoteHigh), there is a reset guide here. If you are still unable to access Compass, please email


Please remember that staff are only expected to respond to emails during work hours. An immediate response may not be possible. Please see our School Communication Guidelines (attached), for full details. 

NHS Spiel - Letters from lockdown

Our fabulous student-run newspaper, the NHS Spiel, is  producing regular special editions called 'Letters from Lockdown. Go to their home page to read these and past editions,and to find out how to contribute yourself!